

Node HL7 Complete

Node module that is bridged with the Java Hapi HL7 library.

With this library, you can:


This HL7 solution works by making calls to the Java Hapi HL7 library under the hood. Hapi is the gold-standard implementation of HL7 parsing.

Project Dependencies

When this project started, many folks were using Java 8. Unfortunately, the Java dependencies in this project relies on that version to function. While it is a major inconvenience to downgrade your Java version, you may find success with Jabba to manage your version (simiar to rvm, nvm, etc).

In addition, version 3.1.0 and above of this project expects your Node version to be greater than 12. Check out Node Version Manager to manage versions.

Docker Solution

This project also offers a Docker solution that will completely abstract away the Java 8 dependency. The container runs a server with 2 simple endpoints that match what would be used in the programmatic context. See "Running with Docker" a bit below.


var NodeHL7Complete = require('node-hl7-complete');
var nodeHL7Instance = new NodeHL7Complete();

// Stolen from http://www.dt7.com/cdc/sampmsgs.html
var hl7Message = '';
hl7Message += 'MSH|^~\\&|||||||VXU^V04|19970522MA53|P|2.3.1|||AL\r';
hl7Message += 'PID|||221345671^^^^SS||KENNEDY^JOHN^FITZGERALD^JR|BOUVIER^^^^^^M|19900607|M|||^^^^MA^^^BLD\r';
hl7Message += 'NK1|1|KENNEDY^JACQUELINE^LEE|32^MOTHER^HL70063\r';
hl7Message += 'RXA|0|1|19900607|19900607|08^HEPB-PEDIATRIC/ADOLESCENT^CVX|.5|ML^^ISO+||||||||MRK12345||MSD^MERCK^MVX\r';

nodeHL7Instance.hl7ToJs(hl7Message, function(error, data) {
  if (error) { console.error(error); return; }


var jsData = {
  'VXU_V04': {
    'MSH': {
      'MSH.1': '|',
      'MSH.2': '^~\\&',
      'MSH.9': {
        'MSG.1': 'VXU',
        'MSG.2': 'V04'
      'MSH.10': '19970522MA53',
      'MSH.11': {
        'PT.1': 'P'
      'MSH.12': {
        'VID.1': '2.3.1'
      'MSH.15': 'AL'
    'PID': {
      'PID.3': {
        'CX.1': 221345671,
        'CX.5': 'SS'
      'PID.5': {
        'XPN.1': {
          'FN.1': 'KENNEDY'
        'XPN.2': 'JOHN',
        'XPN.3': 'FITZGERALD',
        'XPN.4': 'JR'
      'PID.6': {
        'XPN.1': {
          'FN.1': 'BOUVIER'
        'XPN.7': 'M'
      'PID.7': {
        'TS.1': 19900607
      'PID.8': 'M',
      'PID.11': {
        'XAD.5': 'MA',
        'XAD.8': 'BLD'
    'NK1': {
      'NK1.1': 1,
      'NK1.2': {
        'XPN.1': {
          'FN.1': 'KENNEDY'
        'XPN.2': 'JACQUELINE',
        'XPN.3': 'LEE'
      'NK1.3': {
        'CE.1': 32,
        'CE.2': 'MOTHER',
        'CE.3': 'HL70063'
      'RXA': {
        'RXA.1': 0,
        'RXA.2': 1,
        'RXA.3': {
          'TS.1': 19900607
        'RXA.4': {
          'TS.1': 19900607
        'RXA.5': {
          'CE.1': 08,
          'CE.3': 'CVX'
        'RXA.6': 0.5,
        'RXA.7': {
          'CE.1': 'ML',
          'CE.3': 'ISO+'
        'RXA.15': 'MRK12345',
        'RXA.17': {
          'CE.1': 'MSD',
          'CE.2': 'MERCK',
          'CE.3': 'MVX'

nodeHL7Instance.jsToHl7('VXU_V04', jsData, function(error, data) {
  if (error) { console.error(error); return; }


... these two console.logs yield the following:


{ VXU_V04:
   { MSH: [ [Object] ],
     PID: [ [Object] ],
     NK1: [ [Object] ],
     'VXU_V04.ORCRXARXROBXNTE': [ [Object] ] } }

As far as data-integrity goes, see the following graphic to see what the original HL7 message looked like and what the transformed JS->HL7 message looks like (very small diff):


Strict Mode

By default, all HL7-to-JS messages will be validated for correctness. If you are receiving HL7 messages that are somewhat valid and wish to skip validation, you can use nodeHL7Instance.setStrictMode(false).

Running with Docker

  1. clone this repo
  2. cd docker
  3. docker build -t hl7_docker .
  4. docker run -dp 8000:8000 hl7_docker
  5. cd examples
  6. HL7->JSON test call: ./hl7ToJson.sh
  7. JSON->HL7 test call: ./jsonToHl7.sh

Note: Outside of PM2, you may wish to use a more formal process manager solution.



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