

Electron App demoing react-to-print library use

A basic Electron React app that uses react-to-print library to print individual components.

Implementation of print method for print-to-react is the crux of the demo. See handlePrint method in App.js. Also, See App.css for CSS print settings.

To get started:

Download and extract the project. Run following command in root dir:


Note: Updated all dependencies to latest versions available on 1st Jan, 2022:

| Electron App demoing react-to-print library use
+-- @babel/core@7.16.7
+-- @babel/preset-env@7.16.7
+-- @babel/preset-react@7.16.7
+-- babel-loader@8.2.3
+-- concurrently@6.5.1
+-- css-loader@6.5.1
+-- electron-packager@15.4.0
+-- electron@16.0.5
+-- file-loader@6.2.0
+-- html-webpack-plugin@5.5.0
+-- mini-css-extract-plugin@2.4.5
+-- react-dom@17.0.2
+-- react-to-print@2.14.3
+-- react@17.0.2
+-- style-loader@3.3.1
+-- terser-webpack-plugin@5.3.0
+-- wait-on@6.0.0
+-- webpack-cli@4.9.1
+-- webpack-dev-server@4.7.2
`-- webpack@5.65.0