


Implementation of paper "Matching receptor to odorant with protein language and graph neural networks"

title={Matching receptor to odorant with protein language and graph neural networks},
author={Matej Hladi{\v{s}} and Maxence Lalis and Sebastien Fiorucci and J{\'e}r{\'e}mie Topin},
booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations },


Our aim is to keep the information about olfactory receptor experiments up-to-date, organized and easily accessible. We're going to keep all the data in one place at https://github.com/chemosim-lab/M2OR. We hope that it will be a useful resource for both biology practitioners as well as machine learning experts.

Currently, we are working on a website for quick analyses of the data that everyone could use as a base resource. In the meantime the up-to-date data are available as a csv in the M2OR repo.

To reporoduce the results in the paper, see Original data section below.


For easy usage we created a Singularity container and included definition file in _container/Receptor2Odorant_singularity.def. You can find instructions how to bild the container here. In further sections we assume the container was sucessfully built.

Start the container in an interactive session:

singularity exec --containall --nv -B <bind_dir>:/mnt,<HOME>/.cache/huggingface/transformers Receptor2Odorant_singularity.sif bash

Source conda and activate the environment:

source /opt/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate base

Run scripts with a config file:

(Assuming that Receptor2Odorant dir is binded as /mnt)

python /mnt/Receptor2Odorant/scripts/main.py --config /mnt/configs/config_train.yml


python /mnt/Receptor2Odorant/scripts/main_odor_embedding.py --config /mnt/configs/config_odor_embedding_train.yml

There are several types of config files available: config_precompute.yml,config_train.yml,config_eval.yml,config_predict.yml,config_predict_single.yml,config_odor_embedding_train.yml,config_odor_embedding_predict.yml


This config file is giving instructions to precompute protein representation and saving it to .h5 file using pyTables library.


The training config for the main OR-molecule model.

config_eval, config_predict, config_predict_single:

Evaluation and prediction configs. Difference between predict and predict_single is that the former expects a precomputed protein representation for a bulk of pairs and the second one is running protein representation model on the fly.


The config to train GNN-based odor prediction model that was used in section 6 Agreement with odor perception to create abstract odor families (i.e. clusters) for the molecules.


Prediction config for odor prediction model which outputs molecule's embedding alongside its odor labels.

Original data

The link below leads to the original dataset used in the paper.


Download data file: Data_figures.zip and Dataset.zip unzip them and place in the giving folder (create the folders if necessary):

Origianl data used in experiments: