


Just a simple bash script wizard to install and configure a full personal computer with Arch Linux.

First, install Arch Linux with the official media and optionally with archfi.<br /> Look at archfi project to start your arch linux installation : https://github.com/MatMoul/archfi

After reboot and your network ready, download the script:

curl -L archdi.sf.net/archdi > archdi

or if sourceforge is down:

curl -L matmoul.github.io/archdi > archdi

And run the script:

sh archdi

Or you can install it on your system with:

sh archdi -i

And then you can use archdi cmd.<br /> With this, you can make your updates or install your packages later.

You can watch my videos to show how to use it :<br /> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLytHgIKLV1caHlCrcTSkm5OF2WSVI1_Sq

This package is only a launcher for archdi-pkg.<br /> If you want ask for new features, open an issue on https://github.com/MatMoul/archdi-pkg