

Lucide Icons for AvaloniaUI

NuGet Version GitHub License

Lucide Icons for AvaloniaUI

Over 1480 icons for AvaloniaUI

What is it?

Lucide Icons for AvaloniaUI is a library that allows you to integrate over 1400 modern and elegant icons into your AvaloniaUI projects. This library offers a wide range of icons to enhance the user interface of your applications.

What is it for?

This library is ideal for:


[!WARNING] This library is compatible only with AvaloniaUI version 11.1.0-beta1 or higher. It does not support earlier versions.

To install the library, you can use NuGet with the following command:

dotnet add package LucideAvalonia


To use the Lucide Icons in your AvaloniaUI project, add the following namespace declaration to the header of your AXAML file:


Integrating Lucide Icons into your AvaloniaUI project is straightforward. Below is an example demonstrating how to add a YouTube icon to your AXAML file:

<lucideAvalonia:Lucide Icon="Youtube" StrokeBrush="Red" StrokeThickness="1.5" Width="22" Height="22"/>

You can customize the appearance of the icons using various properties:


We welcome contributions from the community to help improve and expand this library. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.


This project is made possible thanks to the following: