

Cortex Debug

Visual Studio Code with Cortex-Debug Installed

Debugging support for ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers with the following features:

Release Versioning

Cortex-Debug uses a versioning system specified by Microsoft that allows distribution of pre-releases via the marketplace. You can enable (or disable) pre-releases within VSCode for this extension and you will automatically get new pre-releases. By default, pre-releases are disabled. We use pre-releases as allow testing of bug fixes and new features. They allow you participate during the formation of a feature of how an issue gets addressed. More info about pre-releases. To summarize, extensions use semantic versioning (SemVer) system which in simple terms is major.minor.patch. With MS convention, if the minor version is odd, then it is a pre-release.

Planned Features




See https://github.com/Marus/cortex-debug/wiki for usage information. This needs some help from the community. See https://github.com/Marus/cortex-debug/blob/master/debug_attributes.md for a summary of all properties that are available in your launch.json

How to Build from sources

How to debug

The extension is split into two main parts.

  1. The front-end which is what you interact with mostly
  2. The backend called debug adapter which interfaces between gdb, vscode/front-end, and the gdb-server. We just start the server and from then on the debug adapter only interacts with gdb. All requests go to gdb and the results are read back from gdb using gdb's MI (machine interface)

If you want to debug both parts, in launch.json use the Extension + Debug Server configuration. It will launch a new window -- the debuggee. In the debuggee VSCode window, load a FW folder/workspace (VSCode remembers the last one) and add the following to debuggee's launch.json.

            "debugServer": 4711

Now, launch a debug session and you wil be able to use the primary VSCode window to observe the Cortex-Debug extension


Parts of this extension are based upon Jan Jurzitza's (WebFreak) code-debug extension (https://github.com/WebFreak001/code-debug).<br> His project provided an excellent base for GDB MI parsing and interaction.