A JavaScript for Scriptable, showing you the price difference of two gas stations!
📗 Description
If you are a car holder and live close to a border, this widget is very convenient. Define a gas station of your hometown and another gas station of the cheaper country nearby. Check out the widget on your phone and save some money!
🖥 Preview
Small example widget:
<img width="133" alt="image" src="">🛠 How to Install
- Download the Scriptable App.
- Open the Scriptable App and create a new script (+Button in the top-right corner).
- Name your script for example "SmarterTankenWidget" by simply tapping on "Untitled Script" in the top of the sreen.
- Copy&Paste the code SmarterTankenWidget.js code into the App.
- See the first content block of the code and modify it.
- Press "done".
- Go to your home-screen and add a new widget.
- Select the Scriptable App and choose the size of the widget.
- Press "Add Widget" and back on your home-screen press on the newly added widget-space.
- Select your script and choose what happens when interacting.
Use lat and long from config -
Variable fueltype - Support for other countries
Light mode support
🔍 Find more widgets on
📣 Checkout my other widget here
You are very welcome to submit new ideas, feature-request and issues!