A must-have tool for any Sitecore developer, to simplify most of your day-to-day DevOps activities.
- backup, clean, restore selected Sitecore instance out-of-the-box with nice GUI
- supports Sitecore XP and XC versions 9.x and 10.0
- you can choose the above operations for webroot, xConnect, Identity Server sites and all together
- environment auto-detection: hostnames, bindings, installed Solr instances
- supports multiple instances on a host via creating and selecting profiles
- all the above can be done on remote VM via WinRM (WsMan) with remote profile
- supports plugins both written in PowerShell or compiled .NET libraries
- plugins are kept in hierarchical order and, in fact, are crowdsourced
- respects Windows services: marketing automation, xConnect search indexer, processing engine and of course IIS
Downloads and documentation
The easiest way to install Sifon is using Chocolatey:
cinst sifon
You may also download Sifon from the project website.
Sifon is distributed free of charge under GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) license.