


Open in Dev Container PyPI Python Version Roadmap

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Python has implemented map, filter etc. as functions, rather than methods on a sequence. Since it does not contain a pipe operator, this makes the result harder to read. iterpy exists to change that.

You get this 🔥:

from iterpy import Iter

result = Iter([1,2,3]).map(multiply_by_2).filter(is_even)

Instead of this:

sequence = [1,2,3]
multiplied = [multiply_by_2(x) for x in sequence]
result = [x for x in multiplied if is_even(x)]

Or this:

result = filter(is_even, map(multiply_by_2, [1,2,3]))
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pip install iterpy


from iterpy import Iter

result = (Iter([1, 2])
            .filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
            .map(lambda x: x * 2)
assert result == [4]

Lazy vs eager evaluation

Inspired by Polars, iterpy supports eager evaluation for easier debugging using Arr, and lazy evaluation for better performance using Iter. To access eager evaluation:

from iterpy import Arr

result = Arr([1, 2, 3]).map(lambda x: x * 2).to_list()
assert result == [2, 4, 6]

To access lazy evaluation, just rename Arr to Iter:

from iterpy import Iter

result = Iter([1, 2, 3]).map(lambda x: x * 2).to_list()
assert result == [2, 4, 6]

Prior art

iterpy stands on the shoulders of Scala, Rust etc.

Other Python projects have had similar ideas:



  1. We use rye for environment management. Once it is installed, set up your virtual environment using rye sync.

Or, use the devcontainer.

  1. Install Orbstack or Docker Desktop. Make sure to complete the full install process before continuing.
  2. If not installed, install VSCode
  3. Press this link


  1. Make your changes

  2. See the makefile for tests, linting, and formatting.


API design

As a heuristic, we follow the APIs of:

In cases where this conflicts with typical python implementations, the API should be as predictable as possible for Python users.

💬 Where to ask questions

🚨 Bug ReportsGitHub Issue Tracker
🎁 Feature Requests & IdeasGitHub Issue Tracker
👩‍💻 Usage QuestionsGitHub Discussions
🗯 General DiscussionGitHub Discussions