

Password Manager

A simple password manager with Qt GUI and command-line interface using AES-256-CBC encryption via OpenSSL.


Covered C++/Qt topics

I've mainly started this project to learn C++ and Qt programming. So beside the mentioned features this project and the underlying libraries serve as an example project covering some interesting C++/Qt topics:

Note that some of the mentioned points are actually implemented the underlying libraries c++utilities, qtutilities and passwordfile.



See the release section on GitHub.

Packages and binaries

Build instructions

The application depends on c++utilities and passwordfile and is built the same way as these libraries. For basic instructions checkout the README file of c++utilities. When the Qt GUI is enabled, Qt and qtutilities are required, too.

To avoid building c++utilities/passwordfile/qtutilities separately, follow the instructions under "Building this straight". There's also documentation about various build variables which can be passed to CMake to influence the build.

Optional dependencies

To specify the major Qt version to use, set QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX (e.g. add -DQT_PACKAGE_PREFIX:STRING=Qt6 to the CMake arguments). There's also KF_PACKAGE_PREFIX for KDE dependencies. Note that the Qt Quick GUI always requires the same major Qt version as your KDE modules use.

Building this straight

  1. Install (preferably the latest version of) the GCC toolchain or Clang, the required Qt modules, OpenSSL, iconv, zlib, CMake and Ninja.
  2. Get the sources of additional dependencies and the password manager itself. For the latest version from Git clone the following repositories:
    cd "$SOURCES"
    git clone https://github.com/Martchus/cpp-utilities.git c++utilities
    git clone https://github.com/Martchus/passwordfile.git
    git clone https://github.com/Martchus/qtutilities.git                  # only required for Qt GUI
    git clone https://github.com/Martchus/passwordmanager.git
    git clone https://github.com/Martchus/subdirs.git
  3. Build and install everything in one step:
    cd "$BUILD_DIR"
    cmake \
     -G Ninja \
     -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
     -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/install/prefix" \
    ninja install
    • If the install directory is not writable, do not conduct the build as root. Instead, set DESTDIR to a writable location (e.g. DESTDIR="temporary/install/dir" ninja install) and move the files from there to the desired location afterwards.

Concrete example of 3. for building an Android APK under Arch Linux

Create a key for signing the package (always required; otherwise the APK file won't install):

# set variables for creating keystore and androiddeployqt to find it

# create keystore (do only once)
keytool -genkey -v -keystore "$QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS" -alias "$QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS" -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Build c++utilities, passwordfile, qtutilities and passwordmanager in one step to create an Android APK for aarch64:

# use Java 17 (the latest Java doesn't work at this point) and avoid unwanted Java options
export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin:$PATH

# configure and build using helpers from android-cmake package
source /usr/bin/android-env $android_arch
android-$android_arch-cmake -G Ninja -S . -B "$build_dir" \
cmake --build "$build_dir"

# install the app
adb install "$build_dir/passwordmanager/android-build//build/outputs/apk/release/android-build-release-signed.apk"

Building without Qt GUI

It is possible to build without the GUI if only the CLI is needed. In this case no Qt dependencies (including qtutilities) are required.

To build without GUI, add the following parameters to the CMake call:


Copyright notice and license

Copyright © 2015-2024 Marius Kittler

All code is licensed under GPL-2-or-later.