


Code repository for "InstruGuard: Find and Fix Instrumentation Errors for Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing" (in ASE'21).

InstruGuard detects instrumentation errors by static analysis on target binaries, and fixes them with a general solution based on binary rewriting. Please refer to the paper for more details.

General Setup

# Install Ghidra 11.1.2
$ wget https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra/releases/download/Ghidra_11.1.2_build/ghidra_11.1.2_PUBLIC_20240709.zip
$ unzip ghidra_11.1.2_PUBLIC_20240709.zip

Find Instrumentation Errors

To detect instrumentation errors, if you are using IDA with GUI, just click File->Script file and select the ./find/IDA_checkinstru.py.
Or you can use the command line (Here we take example/test as an example):
For IDA: $ PATH_TO_IDAPRO -A -S./find/IDA_checkinstru.py example/test

For Ghidra $ ./ghidra_11.1.2_PUBLIC/support/analyzeHeadless ./example instruguard -import example/test -scriptPath ./find -postScript Ghidra_checkinstru.py -overwrite

IDA_checkinstru.py/Ghidra_checkinstru.py will generate two files:

  1. test_instru.log, a report for human to read.
  2. test_instru.json, a diction which includes the MIL, EIL, and normal instrumentation.

Fix Instrumentation Errors

Since RetroWrite now only supports programs compiled as position independent code (PIC/PIE), you can compile the target programs with the ./fix/aflig/afl-clang-fast, in which we add -f inside this afl-clang-fast. Or you can add the arguments yourself during the compilation.

To fix the program with instrumentation errors, you need to:

  1. Generate assembly code for the target programs:
    $ source ./fix/retrowrite/retro/bin/activate
    $ ./fix/retrowrite/retrowrite example/test example/test.s
  2. Modify the assembly code with the instrumentation information we collect (i.e. nm_instru.json):
     $ python ./fix/fix_asm.py --asm_file example/test.s --instru_info test_instru.json -O example/test+.s
  3. Compile the modified assembly code:
    $ ./fix/aflig/afl-ig example/test+.s -o example/test+ -ldl
    LDFLAGS could be found in the Makefile/configure/CMAKEFile of the target program.


In example folder, we demonstrate an example and show how to use InstruGuard. Read example/README.md for more details.


The source code of the dataset in our paper can be downloaded here. We also put the binaries compiled by afl-clang-fast of AFL and the fixed binaries.

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