


Very Simple MicroPython module/driver for Espressif/Generic 64Mbit SPI PSRAM (Adafruit prdoduct ID: 4677 or similar). Works with RP2040, should work with other MicroPython boards that have SPI.

This module is intended to make using the PSRAM as simple as possible. It only accepts an address (range 0-8388607) and a value (range 0-255). Values read from the PSRAM are returned as integers.

Author: mark@marksbench.com

Version: 0.1, 2021-05-26

**NOTE(1): There is no guarantee that this software will work in the way you expect (or at all). **Use at your own risk.

**NOTE(2): Writing and reading 64Mib over SPI is not fast, and will be even slower if using software SPI. **If you're concerned about whether your program has crashed out over a long read or write loop, set up some sort ** of heartbeat - a periodically flashing LED, print statment, beep, etc.

**NOTE(3): As this is PSRAM and not SRAM, do not exceed the maximum operating frequency ** or use the PSRAM outside its timing parameters as shown in the datasheet, or the ** PSRAM may not have enough time to do an internal refresh, causing a loss of data.



For more information, consult the Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython SDK documentation at: https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/pico/raspberry-pi-pico-python-sdk.pdf

and the Adafruit 64Mbit PSRAM page and datasheet at: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4677