

[Paper] [Installation] [Usage] [Mortar Mayhem] [Endless Mortar Mayhem] [Mystery Path] [Endless Mystery Path] [Searing Spotlights] [Endless Searing Spotlights] [Training]

Memory Gym: Towards Endless Tasks to Benchmark Memory Capabilities of Agents

<table align="center"> <tr> <td></td> <td>Endless Mortar Mayhem</td> <td>Endless Mystery Path</td> <td>Endless Searing Spotlights</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Agent Observation</td> <td><img src="docs/assets/emm_0.gif" width=180></td> <td><img src="docs/assets/emp_0.gif" width=180></td> <td><img src="docs/assets/ess_0.gif" width=180></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ground Truth</td> <td><img src="docs/assets/emm_0_gt.gif" width=180></td> <td><img src="docs/assets/emp_0_gt.gif" width=180></td> <td><img src="docs/assets/ess_0_gt.gif" width=180></td> </tr> </table>

Memory Gym features the environments Mortar Mayhem, Mystery Path, and Searing Spotlights that are inspired by some mini games of Pummel Party. These 2D environments benchmark the memory capabilities of agents. Especially, these environments feature endless task variants. As the agent's policy improves, the task goes on. The cumulative memory game "I packed my bag ..." inspired this dynamic concept, which allows for examining levels of effectiveness instead of just sample efficiency. Interactive videos, based on selected agent behavios, can be found here: https://marcometer.github.io/


Preprint Journal Paper (under review)

      title={Memory Gym: Towards Endless Tasks to Benchmark Memory Capabilities of Agents}, 
      author={Marco Pleines and Matthias Pallasch and Frank Zimmer and Mike Preuss},

ICLR Paper

      title={Memory Gym: Partially Observable Challenges to Memory-Based Agents},
      author={Marco Pleines and Matthias Pallasch and Frank Zimmer and Mike Preuss},
      booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


Major dependencies:

conda create -n memory-gym python=3.11 --yes
conda activate memory-gym
pip install memory-gym


conda create -n memory-gym python=3.11 --yes
conda activate memory-gym
git clone https://github.com/MarcoMeter/drl-memory-gym.git
cd drl-memory-gym
pip install -e .


Open In Colab

Executing the environment using random actions:

import memory_gym
import gymnasium as gym

env = gym.make("Endless-SearingSpotlights-v0")
# env = gym.make("SearingSpotlights-v0")
# env = gym.make("Endless-MortarMayhem-v0")
# env = gym.make("MortarMayhem-v0")
# env = gym.make("MortarMayhem-Grid-v0")
# env = gym.make("MortarMayhemB-v0")
# env = gym.make("MortarMayhemB-Grid-v0")
# env = gym.make("Endless-MysteryPath-v0")
# env = gym.make("MysteryPath-v0")
# env = gym.make("MysteryPath-Grid-v0")

# Pass reset parameters to the environment
options = {"agent_scale": 0.25}

obs, info = env.reset(seed=1, options=options)
done = False
while not done:
    obs, reward, done, truncation, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())


Manually play the environments using the console scripts (works only using an anaconda environment):

# MMAct
# MMGrid
# MMAct Grid

# Endless Environments

You can also execute the python scripts directly, for example:

python ./memory_gym/mortar_mayhem.py


Mortar Mayhem

<table align="center"> <tr> <td>Agent Observation</td> <td>Ground Truth</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="docs/assets/mortar_mayhem_0.gif" width=180></td> <td><img src="docs/assets/mortar_mayhem_0_gt.gif" width=180></td> </tr> </table>

Mortar Mayhem challenges the agent with a sequence of commands that the agent has to memorize and execute in the right order. During the beginning of the episode, each command is visualized one by one. Mortar Mayhem can be reduced to solely executing commands. In this case, the command sequence is always available as vector observation (one-hot encoded) and, therefore, is not visualized.

The max length of an episode can be calculated as follows:

max episode length = (command_show_duration + command_show_delay) * command_count + (explosion_delay + explosion_duration) * command_count - 2

Mortar Mayhem Environment

Reset Parameters

agent_scale0.25The dimensions of the agent.
agent_speed3.0The speed of the agent.
arena_size5The grid dimension of the arena (min: 2, max: 6)
allowed_commands9Available commands: right, down, left, up, stay, right down, right up, left down, left up. If set to five, the first five commands are available.
command_count[10]The number of commands that are asked to be executed by the agent. This is a list that the environment samples from.
command_show_duration[3]The number of steps that one command is shown. This is a list that the environment samples from.
command_show_delay[1]The number of steps between showing one command. This is a list that the environment samples from.
explosion_duration[6]The number of steps that an agent has to stay on the commanded tile. This is a list that the environment samples form.
explosion_delay[18]The entire duration in steps that the agent has to execute the current command. This is a list that the environments samples from.
visual_feedbackTrueWhether to turn off the visualization of the feedback. Upon command evaluation, the wrong tiles are rendered red.
reward_command_failure0.0What reward to signal upon failing at the current command.
reward_command_success0.1What reward to signal upon succeeding at the current command.
reward_episode_success0.0What reward to signal if the entire command sequence is successfully solved by the agent.

Endless Mortar Mayhem

To extend the core concept of Mortar Mayhem to Endless Mortar Mayhem, we introduce an ever-growing command sequence. The phases of displaying and executing commands are alternated. Only one command is shown before command execution, while the agent must execute all previously displayed commands in the underlying episode. To accommodate a potentially infinite command sequence, the arena undergoes a screen wrap, behaving like a torus.

Reset Parameters

max_steps-1Maximum number of steps that an episode may last. If less than 1, the episode length is not limited by this reset parameter.
agent_scale0.25The dimensions of the agent.
agent_speed3.0The speed of the agent.
allowed_commands9Available commands: right, down, left, up, stay, right down, right up, left down, left up. If set to five, the first five commands are available.
initial_command_count1Specifies the number of commands that are initially shown.
command_show_duration[3]The number of steps that one command is shown. This is a list that the environment samples from.
command_show_delay[1]The number of steps between showing one command. This is a list that the environment samples from.
explosion_duration[6]The number of steps that an agent has to stay on the commanded tile. This is a list that the environment samples form.
explosion_delay[18]The entire duration in steps that the agent has to execute the current command. This is a list that the environments samples from.
visual_feedbackTrueWhether to turn off the visualization of the feedback. Upon command evaluation, the wrong tiles are rendered red.
reward_command_failure0.0What reward to signal upon failing at the current command.
reward_command_success0.1What reward to signal upon succeeding at the current command (dense reward setting).
reward_new_command_success0.0What reward to signal upon completing all commands of the current list of commands (sparse reward setting).

Mystery Path

<table align="center"> <tr> <td>Agent Observation</td> <td>Ground Truth</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="docs/assets/mystery_path_0.gif" width=180></td> <td><img src="docs/assets/mystery_path_0_gt.gif" width=180></td> </tr> </table>

Mystery Path procedurally generates an invisible path for the agent to cross from the origin to the goal. Per default, only the origin of the path is visible. Upon falling off the path, the agent has to restart from the origin. Note that the episode is not terminated by falling off. Hence, the agent has to memorize where it fell off and where it did not.

Mystery Path Environment

Reset Parameters

max_steps512The maximum number of steps for the agent to play one episode.
agent_scale0.25The dimensions of the agent.
agent_speed3.0The speed of the agent.
cardinal_origin_choice[0, 1, 2, 3]Allowed cardinal directions for the path generation to place the origin. This is a list that the environment samples from.
show_originFalseWhether to hide or show the origin tile of the generated path.
show_goalFalseWhether to hide or show the goal tile of the generated path.
visual_feedbackTrueWhether to visualize that the agent is off the path. A red cross is rendered on top of the agent.
reward_goal1.0What reward to signal when reaching the goal tile.
reward_fall_off0.0What reward to signal when falling off.
reward_path_progress0.0What reward to signal when making progress on the path. This is only signaled for reaching another tile for the first time.
reward_step0.0What reward to signal for each step.

Endless Mystery Path

<p align=center> <img src="docs/assets/emp_path.png" width=420> </p>

In Endless Mystery Path, a never-ending path is generated by exploiting the path generation of Mystery Path, which concatenates path segments. The terminal conditions of an episode need to be varied to accommodate the design of short episodes without making progress. The episode terminates if the agent fails to make progress within a few steps. Termination also occurs if the agent falls off before reaching its farthest progress, and the agent cannot fall off at the same location twice.

Reset Parameters

max_steps-1The maximum number of steps for the agent to play one episode. If smaller than 1, the episode is not affected by this reset parameter.
agent_scale0.25The dimensions of the agent.
agent_speed3.0The speed of the agent.
show_originFalseWhether to hide or show the origin tile of the generated path.
show_past_pathTrueWhether to hide or show the path behing the agent.
show_backgroundFalseWhether to hide or show a tiled background.
show_staminaFalseWhether to hide or show a stamina bar indicating the remaining time to make progress on the path.
visual_feedbackTrueWhether to visualize that the agent is off the path. A red cross is rendered on top of the agent.
camera_offset_scale5.0Offset of the camera's X position. Decreasing this value will hide more of the path behind the agennt.
stamina_level20Number of steps that the agent has time to touch on the next path tile leading to progress.
reward_fall_off0.0What reward to signal when falling off.
reward_path_progress0.1Reward signaled whenever the agent reaches a new tile that it has not visited before (sparse reward setting).
reward_path_progress_dense0.0Reward signaled whenever the agent reaches the next tile (dense reward setting).
reward_step0.0What reward to signal for each step.

Searing Spotlights

<table align="center"> <tr> <td>Agent Observation</td> <td>Ground Truth</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="docs/assets/searing_spotlights_0.gif" width=180></td> <td><img src="docs/assets/searing_spotlights_0_gt.gif" width=180></td> </tr> </table>

Searing Spotlights is a pitch black surrounding to the agent. The environment is initially fully observable but the light is dimmed untill off during the first few frames. Only randomly moving spotlights unveil information on the environment's ground truth, while posing a threat to the agent. If spotted by spotlight, the agent looses health points. While the agent must avoid closing in spotlights, it further has to collect coins. After collecting all coins, the agent has to take the environment's exit.

Searing Spotlights Environment

Reset Parameters

max_steps-1The maximum number of steps for the agent to play one episode. If smaller than 1, the episode is not affected by this reset parameter.
steps_per_coin160Number of steps that the agent has to collect a newly spawned coin.
agent_scale0.25The dimensions of the agent.
agent_speed3.0The speed of the agent.
agent_health5The initial health points of the agent.
agent_visibleFalseWhether to make the agent permanently visible.
sample_agent_positionTrueWhether to hide or show the goal tile of the generated path.
num_coins[1]The number of coins that are spawned. This is a list that the environment samples from.
coin_scale0.375The scale of the coins.
coins_visibleFalseWhether to make the coins permanently visible.
use_exitTrueWhether to spawn and use the exit task. The exit is accessible by the agent after collecting all coins.
exit_scale0.0The scale of the exit.
exit_visibleFalseWhether to make the exit permanently visible.
initial_spawns3The number of spotlights that are initially spawned.
spawn_interval50Number of steps to spawn a new spotlight.
spot_min_radius7.5The minimum radius of the spotlights. The radius is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_max_radius13.75The maximum radius of the spotlights. The radius is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_min_speed0.0025The minimum speed of the spotlights. The speed is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_max_speed0.0075The maximum speed of the spotlights. The speed is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_damage1.0Damage per step while the agent is spotted by one spotlight.
light_dim_off_duration6The number of steps to dim off the global light.
light_threshold255The threshold for dimming the global light. A value of 255 indicates that the light will dimmed of completely.
visual_feedbackTrueWhether to render the tiled background red if the agent is spotted.
black_backgroundFalseWhether to render the environments background black, while the spotlights are rendered as white circumferences.
hide_chessboardFalseWhether to hide the chessboard background. This renders the background of the environment white.
show_last_actionTrueWhether to encode and render the previouss action to the visual observation.
show_last_positive_rewardTrueWhether to render if the agent received a positive reward on the previous step.
reward_inside_spotlight0.0What reward to signal for each step while being inside a spotlight.
reward_outside_spotlight0.0What reward to signal for each step while being outside of a spotlight.
reward_death0.0What reward to signal upon losing all health points.
reward_coin0.25What reward to signal upon collecting one coin.

Endless Searing Spotlights

Endless Searing Spotlights solely revolves around a coin collection task, with no consideration of an exit task leading to episode termination. Upon collecting the only coin present, a new one is immediately spawned. The agent operates under a limited time budget to collect the newly spawned coin.

Reset Parameters

max_steps-1The maximum number of steps for the agent to play one episode.
agent_scale0.25The dimensions of the agent.
agent_speed3.0The speed of the agent.
agent_health10The initial health points of the agent.
agent_visibleFalseWhether to make the agent permanently visible.
sample_agent_positionTrueWhether to hide or show the goal tile of the generated path.
coin_enabledTrueWhether the coin collection task is enabled or disabled
coin_show_duration6How many steps to make the coin visible to the agent unill its hidden behind the dark.
coin_scale0.375The scale of the coins.
coins_visibleFalseWhether to make the coins permanently visible.
steps_per_coin160Time budget to collect a single coin.
initial_spawns3The number of spotlights that are initially spawned.
spawn_interval50The number of steps until the next spotlight is spawned.
spot_min_radius7.5The minimum radius of the spotlights. The radius is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_max_radius13.75The maximum radius of the spotlights. The radius is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_min_speed0.0025The minimum speed of the spotlights. The speed is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_max_speed0.0075The maximum speed of the spotlights. The speed is sampled from the range min to max.
spot_damage1.0Damage per step while the agent is spotted by one spotlight.
light_dim_off_duration6The number of steps to dim off the global light.
light_threshold255The threshold for dimming the global light. A value of 255 indicates that the light will dimmed of completely.
visual_feedbackTrueWhether to render the tiled background red if the agent is spotted.
black_backgroundFalseWhether to render the environments background black, while the spotlights are rendered as white circumferences.
hide_chessboardFalseWhether to hide the chessboard background. This renders the background of the environment white.
show_last_actionTrueWhether to encode and render the previouss action to the visual observation.
show_last_positive_rewardTrueWhether to render if the agent received a positive reward on the previous step.
reward_inside_spotlight0.0What reward to signal for each step while being inside a spotlight.
reward_outside_spotlight0.0What reward to signal for each step while being outside of a spotlight.
reward_death0.0What reward to signal upon losing all health points.
reward_coin0.25What reward to signal upon collecting one coin.


Baseline results are avaible via these repositories.

Recurrence + PPO

TransformerXL + PPO




Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes