


Easily compose images together without messing around with canvas

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Canvas can be kind of a pain to work with sometimes, especially if you just need a canvas context to do something relatively simple like merge some images together. merge-images-v2 abstracts away all the repetitive tasks into one simple function call.

Images can be overlaid on top of each other and repositioned. The function returns a Promise which resolves to a base64 data URI. Supports both the browser and Node.js.

This is an updated version of merge-images by Luke Childs with all libraries updated and multi operating system testing. I also removed xo as this linting caused many issues and I didn't like the way it worked. It also now works with the newest version of canvas.


npm install --save merge-images-v2


With the following images:

<img src="/test/fixtures/body.png" width="128"><img src="/test/fixtures/eyes.png" width="128"><img src="/test/fixtures/mouth.png" width="128">

You can do:

import mergeImages from 'merge-images-v2';

mergeImages(['/body.png', '/eyes.png', '/mouth.png'])
  .then(b64 => document.querySelector('img').src = b64);
  // ...

And that would update the img element to show this image:

<img src="/test/fixtures/face.png" width="128">


Those source png images were already the right dimensions to be overlaid on top of each other. You can also supply an array of objects with x/y co-ords to manually position each image:

  { src: 'body.png', x: 0, y: 0 },
  { src: 'eyes.png', x: 32, y: 0 },
  { src: 'mouth.png', x: 16, y: 0 }
  .then(b64 => ...);
  // ...

Using the same source images as above would output this:

<img src="/test/fixtures/face-custom-positions.png" width="128">


Each source image width and height can be adjusted.

mergeImages([{ src: 'face.png', width: 128, height: 128 }]

You must be set width and height otherwise you can't see the source image.


The opacity can also be tweaked on each image.

  { src: 'body.png' },
  { src: 'eyes.png', opacity: 0.7 },
  { src: 'mouth.png', opacity: 0.3 }
  .then(b64 => ...);
  // ...
<img src="/test/fixtures/face-opacity.png" width="128">


By default the new image dimensions will be set to the width of the widest source image and the height of the tallest source image. You can manually specify your own dimensions in the options object:

mergeImages(['/body.png', '/eyes.png', '/mouth.png'], {
  width: 128,
  height: 128
  .then(b64 => ...);
  // ...

Which will look like this:

<img src="/test/fixtures/face-custom-dimension.png" width="64">

Node.js Usage

Usage in Node.js is the same, however you'll need to also require node-canvas and pass it in via the options object.

import mergeImages from 'merge-images-v2';
import Canvas from 'canvas';

mergeImages(['./body.png', './eyes.png', './mouth.png'], {
  Canvas: Canvas
  .then(b64 => ...);
  // ...

One thing to note is that you need to provide a valid image source for the node-canvas Image rather than a DOM Image. Notice the above example uses a file path, not a relative URL like the other examples. Check the node-canvas docs for more information on valid Image sources.


mergeImages(images, [options])

Returns a Promise which resolves to a base64 data URI


Type: array<br> Default: []

Array of valid image sources for new Image().<br> Alternatively an array of objects with x/y co-ords and src property with a valid image source.


Type: object


Type: string<br> Default: 'image/png'

A DOMString indicating the image format.


Type: number<br> Default: 0.92

A number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested format is image/jpeg or image/webp.


Type: number<br> Default: undefined

The width in pixels the rendered image should be. Defaults to the width of the widest source image.


Type: number<br> Default: undefined

The height in pixels the rendered image should be. Defaults to the height of the tallest source image.


Type: Canvas<br> Default: undefined

Canvas implementation to be used to allow usage outside of the browser. e.g Node.js with node-canvas.
