


This repository contains the code for the Visual Bidirectional Kernelized Network for Visual Question Answering, presented at the VQA Challenge at CVPR'16. With this module, you can replicate our experiments and easily deploy new models. VIBIKNet is built upon the Keras (version 1.2) framework and tested for the Theano backend.


VIBIKNet requires the following libraries:

Additionally, if you want to run the tutorials and the visualization module, you'll need:

If you want to extract KCNN features you will need (see the following README for more info):

If you want to use pretrained word embeddings, you can either train them by yourself using Glove or Word2Vec, or download pretrained word embeddings (recommended):

How to use

VIBIKNet model at the CVPR VQA Challenge

See CVPR poster here.



These answers have been automatically generated by VIBIKNet:


Project citation

If you use this project, please, cite the following publication:

Bolaños, M., Peris, Á., Casacuberta, F., & Radeva, P. 
VIBIKNet: Visual Bidirectional Kernelized Network for Visual Question Answering
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA '17 (In press).


Liu Z. 
Kernelized Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Describing Complex Images. 
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.04581. 2015 Sep 15.
Peris Á, Bolaños M, Radeva P, Casacuberta F. 
Video Description using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks. 
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.03390. 2016 Apr 12.
Malinowski M, Rohrbach M, Fritz M. 
Ask your neurons: A neural-based approach to answering questions about images. 
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2015 (pp. 1-9).


Joint collaboration between the Computer Vision at the University of Barcelona (CVUB) group at Universitat de Barcelona-CVC and the PRHLT Research Center at Universitat Politècnica de València.


Marc Bolaños (web page): marc.bolanos@ub.edu

Álvaro Peris: lvapeab@prhlt.upv.es