A high performance Nim implementation of BitVector with base (uint64, uint32, uint16, or uint8), and with support for slices and other seq
supported operations. BitVector format order is little endian, where Least Significant Byte has the lowest address. BitVector is an in-memory bit vector. A <a class="external reference" href="">Bloom Fliter</a> is also provided to demonstrate BitVector usage along with Murmur Hashing. If looking for a mmap type BitVector consider using <a class="external reference" href="">nim-bitarray</a>.
Example Usage
import bitvector
var ba = newBitVector[uint](64) # Create a BitVector with uint64 base
echo ba # Prints capacity in bits = 64, and number of elements = 1
ba[0] = 1 # Assign `true` to bit index `0`
ba[2] = 1
ba[7] = 1 # ba[0..7] now is `10000101` == 13
assert(ba[0..7] == 133, "incorrect result: " & $ba[0..7])
assert(ba[0..4] == 5, "incorrect result: " & $ba[0..4])
assert(ba[1..4] == 2, "incorrect result: " & $ba[1..4])
var bitvectorA = newBitVector[uint](2e9)
bitvectorA[0] = 1
bitvectorA[1] = 1
bitvectorA[2] = 1
# Test range lookups/inserts
bitvectorA[65] = 1
doAssert bitvectorA[65] == 1
bitvectorA[131] = 1
bitvectorA[194] = 1
assert bitvectorA[2..66] == bitvectorA[131..194]
let sliceValue = bitvectorA[131..194]
bitvectorA[270..333] = sliceValue
bitvectorA[400..463] = uint(-9223372036854775807)
assert bitvectorA[131..194] == bitvectorA[270..333]
assert bitvectorA[131..194] == bitvectorA[400..463]
Bloom Filter Performance
A Bloom Filter speed test is included in test_bloom.nim
. A test case of 10M insertions executes in ~3.2 seconds and 10M lookups in ~3.1 seconds for a Bloom filter with a 1 in 1000 target error rate (0.001) and actual error rate of 0.0007. This was performed on asingle thread by passing the -d:release flag to the Nim compiler on a Dell XP3 13 laptop (i7 with 16GB Ram). k
was computed to its optimal 10 hash functions, while the Bloom filter size was 18.75MB in size.
Install <a class="external reference" href="">Nim</a> for Windows or Unix by following the instructions in , or preferably by installing <a class="reference external" href="">choosenim</a>
Once choosenim
is installed you can nimble install bitvector
to pull the latest bipbuffer release and all its dependencies
Documentation can be found <a class="external reference" href="">BitVector</a> and <a class="external reference" href="">Bloom Filter</a>