


This plugin allows Binary Ninja to take advantage of radare2's linear sweep, function name matching and transfering radare2 comments.

Linux Installation

sudo pip install r2pipe
cd ~/.binaryninja/plugins 
git clone https://github.com/Manouchehri/binaryninja-radare2 binaryninja_radare2
echo "import binaryninja_radare2" >> ~/.binaryninja/plugins/wrapper.py

macOS Installation

Note: You probably need to run binja-fixer so that Binary Ninja will use the same Python library as r2pipe.

brew install radare2
pip2 install r2pipe
cd /Users/$USER/Library/Application\ Support/Binary\ Ninja/plugins/
 git clone https://github.com/Manouchehri/binaryninja-radare2 binaryninja_radare2
echo "import binaryninja_radare2" > wrapper.py