

Runtime Unity Editor / Debugging Tools

In-game inspector, editor and interactive console for applications made with Unity3D game engine. It's designed for debugging and modding Unity games, but can also be used as a universal trainer. Runs under BepInEx5, BepInEx6 IL2CPP and UMM.



How to use

RUE is available for different mod loaders in separate builds. They are largely the same, although BepInEx version is the most supported and has some extra features. If you don't already have to use a specific mod loader, BepInEx is recommended.

BepInEx (mono)

  1. Install BepInEx v4.x or v5.x if you don't have it already. You can download it here.
  2. Download the latest BepInEx build (RuntimeUnityEditor_BepInEx5_vX.X.zip) from the Releases page. Make sure to get the correct version for your BepInEx.
  3. Extract the BepInEx folder from the archive directly into your game directory (you should already have a BepInEx folder there from previous step). Replace files if asked.
  4. To turn on press the F12 key when in-game. A window should appear on top of the game. If it doesn't appear, check logs for errors.

Note: If the plugin fails to load under BepInEx 4 with a type load exception, move RuntimeUnityEditor.Core.dll to BepInEx/core folder.

BepInEx (IL2CPP)

WARNING: This is a beta build that is unstable and with many features broken. It is likely to not work in many (most?) IL2CPP games, as it relies on unstripped UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll (and possibly other game-specific differences). It works in HoneyCome if used together with the IMGUIModule.Il2Cpp.CoreCLR.Patcher which can be used with some other games with some degree of success.

IL2CPP bug reports will be largely ignored, while PRs to fix issues will be greatly appreciated.

  1. If you don't have it already, install and configure BepInEx v6 (at least be.664). You can download it here.
  2. Download the latest RUE release for your version of BepInEx from the Releases page (make sure it's the IL2CPP version).
  3. Extract the release archive from the archive directly into your game directory (you should already have a BepInEx folder there from previous step). Replace files if asked.
  4. To turn on press the F12 key when in-game. A window should appear on top of the game. If it doesn't appear, check game log for errors.

Unity Mod Manager

  1. Install Unity Mod Manager if you don't have it already. You can download it here. Select your game from the the dropdown list and then click the Install button.
  2. Download the latest UMM build (RuntimeUnityEditor_UMM_vX.X.zip) from the Releases page.
  3. Goto the Mods tab in Unity Mod Manager and drag the RuntimeUnityEditor zip file into the Unity Mod Manager GUI at the bottom where it says drop zip file here.
  4. To turn on press the F12 key when in-game. A window should appear on top of the game. If it doesn't appear, check logs for errors.

Known issues

How to build

  1. Get Visual Studio 2019 (or later).
  2. Clone the repository recursively (git clone --recursive https://github.com/ManlyMarco/RuntimeUnityEditor, VS 2022 can do it too).
  3. Open the solution in Visual Studio and hit Build All.


You can support development of my plugins through my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/ManlyMarco