


Build Status Windows Build status Current Version License: MIT/Apache-2.0

A collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code.

There are 301 lints included in this crate!

We have a bunch of lint categories to allow you to choose how much Clippy is supposed to annoy help you:

More to come, please file an issue if you have ideas!

Only the following of those categories are enabled by default:

Other categories need to be enabled in order for their lints to be executed.

The lint list also contains "restriction lints", which are for things which are usually not considered "bad", but may be useful to turn on in specific cases. These should be used very selectively, if at all.

Table of contents:


Since this is a tool for helping the developer of a library or application write better code, it is recommended not to include Clippy as a hard dependency. Options include using it as an optional dependency, as a cargo subcommand, or as an included feature during build. These options are detailed below.

As a cargo subcommand (cargo clippy)

One way to use Clippy is by installing Clippy through rustup as a cargo subcommand.

Step 1: Install rustup

You can install rustup on supported platforms. This will help us install Clippy and its dependencies.

If you already have rustup installed, update to ensure you have the latest rustup and compiler:

rustup update

Step 2: Install Clippy

Once you have rustup and the latest stable release (at least Rust 1.29) installed, run the following command:

rustup component add clippy

If it says that it can't find the clippy component, please run rustup self update.

Step 3: Run Clippy

Now you can run Clippy by invoking the following command:

cargo clippy

Running Clippy from the command line without installing it

To have cargo compile your crate with Clippy without Clippy installation in your code, you can use:

cargo run --bin cargo-clippy --manifest-path=path_to_clippys_Cargo.toml

Note: Be sure that Clippy was compiled with the same version of rustc that cargo invokes here!

Travis CI

You can add Clippy to Travis CI in the same way you use it locally:

language: rust
  - stable
  - beta
  - rustup component add clippy
  - cargo clippy
  # if you want the build job to fail when encountering warnings, use
  - cargo clippy -- -D warnings
  # in order to also check tests and non-default crate features, use
  - cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings
  - cargo test
  # etc.

If you are on nightly, It might happen that Clippy is not available for a certain nightly release. In this case you can try to conditionally install Clippy from the git repo.

language: rust
  - nightly
   - rustup component add clippy --toolchain=nightly || cargo install --git https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/ --force clippy
   # etc

Note that adding -D warnings will cause your build to fail if any warnings are found in your code. That includes warnings found by rustc (e.g. dead_code, etc.). If you want to avoid this and only cause an error for clippy warnings, use #![deny(clippy::all)] in your code or -D clippy::all on the command line. (You can swap clippy::all with the specific lint category you are targeting.)


Some lints can be configured in a TOML file named clippy.toml or .clippy.toml. It contains a basic variable = value mapping eg.

blacklisted-names = ["toto", "tata", "titi"]
cognitive-complexity-threshold = 30

See the list of lints for more information about which lints can be configured and the meaning of the variables.

To deactivate the “for further information visit lint-link” message you can define the CLIPPY_DISABLE_DOCS_LINKS environment variable.

Allowing/denying lints

You can add options to your code to allow/warn/deny Clippy lints:

Note: deny produces errors instead of warnings.

If you do not want to include your lint levels in your code, you can globally enable/disable lints by passing extra flags to Clippy during the run: cargo clippy -- -A clippy::lint_name will run Clippy with lint_name disabled and cargo clippy -- -W clippy::lint_name will run it with that enabled. This also works with lint groups. For example you can run Clippy with warnings for all lints enabled: cargo clippy -- -W clippy::pedantic


If you want to contribute to Clippy, you can find more information in CONTRIBUTING.md.


Copyright 2014-2019 The Rust Project Developers

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.