


Even for the non-religous the Torah is a book that is a great read, its historically a very powerful and important book and if that doesn't interest you then the ideas and great morals you can take away from it should. I hope you all have a great time reading :)



To install ltorah, follow these steps:

 git clone https://github.com/Mandrew0822/ltorah
 cd ltorah
 sudo sh build.sh or make install

On Debian/Ubuntu use the deb file if you prefer

 git clone https://github.com/Mandrew0822/ltorah
 cd ltorah
 sudo dpkg -i ltorah_0.0.1-1_amd64.deb


To use ltorah, run the ltorah command:


Once your in you can now start reading the Torah!

Heres the controls:

z = scroll down
x = scroll up
q = quit (this will not save where you are)
b = bookmark (this will save the line you are on and then load that line when you use the program again)