


Compile time JSX nesting validation


Failed to Compile.

Error: Invalid HTML nesting: <hr> can not be child of <p>
  1 | <p>
  2 |   <span> Hello </span>
> 3 |   <hr />
    |   ^^^^^^
  4 |   <span> World </span>
  5 | </p>
  6 |
<br />

Why this validation is important?

without such validation, when JSX is converted to HTML and rendered in the DOM, the Browser will try to fix the invalid nestings ( such as <hr> inside <p> ) and thus the rendered DOM will have a different structure than JSX structure.

This is a big issue for frameworks that rely on JSX rendering the exact same elements in DOM. This can lead to unexpected behaviors.

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Validation library

This babel plugin uses the validate-html-nesting library for validating HTML element nesting

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npm i -D babel-plugin-validate-jsx-nesting
<br />

babel config

Refer to the babel config guide to learn about configuring babel

no options

with this config, the plugin throws an error when invalid JSX nesting is found

	"plugins": ["validate-jsx-nesting"]
<br />

with warnOnly: true option

With this config, the plugin logs a warning when invalid JSX nesting is found

	"plugins": [["validate-jsx-nesting", { "warnOnly": true }]]