



This is a dark typora theme forked from typora-vue-theme which inspired by Vue document style.


Typora is a markdown editor and reader that supports real-time preview. It supports Windows, macOS, Linux platforms. Typora is a qualified Markdown editor that supports images, lists, tables, codes, formulas, catalogs, etc. At the same time, typora also supports (one-click) dynamic preview function, so that everything becomes so clean and pure. And there are various theme templates. typora-vue-theme inspired by Vue document style.


  1. Download theme archive from release page, then you can get the vue-dark.css file, vue-dark-snappy.css, vue-dark-oceanicnext.css and the vue folder.
  2. Open typora. Click "Open Theme Folder" button from Preference PanelApperance section.
  3. Put vue-dark.css, vue-dark-snappy.css, vue-dark-oceanicnext.css and vue folder into the opened folder, make sure your css files are directly under that directory.
  4. Close and reopen Typora and select ThemeVue Dark, Vue Dark Snappy or Vue Dark Oceanicnext from the menu bar.


Screenshot 01

default color style Screenshot 02

snappy color style Screenshot 03