

govm Build Status

GoVM is the Version Manager of Go. Inspired nodebrew and vvm.




If you use ubuntu or debian,

$ sudo apt-get install git build-essential

Using curl one liner.

$ curl -L git.io/govm | python - setup

Or, python only one liner.

$ python -c 'import urllib2; print urllib2.urlopen("http://git.io/govm").read()' | python - setup

Add $PATH setting your shell config file (.bashrc or .zshrc).

export GOVM_ROOT=$HOME/.govm
export PATH=$GOVM_ROOT/versions/current/bin:$PATH

Reload config.

$ source ~/.bashrc


$ govm help


GoVM read setting from environment variables.


It means govm's home directory. default is $HOME/.govm.

export GOVM_ROOT=/path/to/.govm


It means the repository of Go. default is https://code.google.com/p/go.


It means the repository of GoVM. default is https://github.com/MakeNowJust/govm.git.



$ govm install go1.4.2
govm> ...

Switch use version.

$ govm use go1.4.2
$ go version
go version go1.4.2 ...

Build for cross compiling.

$ govm build go1.4.2 windows amd64
govm> ...

View all installed version list.

$ govm list
* go1.4.2

Remote version view.

$ govm list_remote


$ govm uninstall go1.4.2

Update GoVM.

$ govm self_update

View help.

$ govm help
Version: 0.7.0

Available commands:
  build        Build a specific version of Go runtime for cross compiling.
  help         Show help message to use GoVM.
  install      Install a specific version of Go.
  list         List currently installed versions of Go.
  list_remote  List remote versions of Go.
  self_update  Update GoVM itself.
  setup        Set up files and directories for GoVM
  uninstall    Uninstall a specific version of Go.
  use          Use a specific version of Go as the default one.

  govm install go1.4.2             # install go1.4.2
  govm use go1.4.2                 # using go1.4.2 as default
  govm build go1.4.2 windows amd64 # build runtime for windows/amd64 cross compiling
  govm uninstall go1.4.2           # uninstall go1.4.2

Directory structure

  govm        This script.
  repo        Place to store repository of Go.
  versions    Place to store binary and source Go.    
    current   Symbolic link for an install directory.
    ...       And other versions of Go

More help


Run test.

$ ./test/all.bash


  1. Fork it. ( https://github.com/MakeNowJust/govm/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch. ( git checkout -b your-new-feature )
  3. Commit your changes. ( git commit -am 'Add some feature' )
  4. Push to the branch. ( git push origin your-new-feature )
  5. Create new Pull Request.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE or http://makenowjust.github.io/license/mit?2014-2015.