

Bash Script: Backup Magento2 Code + Database

This utility script helps you to backup Magento2 code and database.
You can either run the command manually or can automate it via cronjob.


You can simply download the script file and give the executable permission.

curl -0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MagePsycho/magento2-db-code-backup-bash-script/master/src/mage2-db-code-backup.sh -o mage2-backup.sh
chmod +x mage2-backup.sh

To make it system wide command

sudo mv mage2-backup.sh /usr/local/bin/mage2-backup.sh


To display help

./mage2-backup.sh --help

To backup database only

./mage2-backup.sh --backup-db --src-dir=/path/to/magento2/root --dest-dir=/path/to/destination

If you want to get rid of this message

Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

You can create a .my.cnf file in home directory with the following config


And use option --use-mysql-config as

./mage2-backup.sh --backup-db --use-mysql-config --src-dir=/path/to/magento2/root --dest-dir=/path/to/destination

To backup code only

./mage2-backup.sh --backup-code --skip-media --src-dir=/path/to/magento2/root --dest-dir=/path/to/destination

To backup code + database

./mage2-backup.sh --backup-db --backup-code --skip-media --src-dir=/path/to/magento2/root --dest-dir=/path/to/destination

If you want to use custom backup name, you can pass --backup-name=... option.
If this option is not used, the mage2-backup.$DATETIME will be used as a default basename for code & db backups.
You can utilize this option if you want to automate the backup and download process

To schedule backup via Cron

If you want to schedule via Cron, just add the following line in your Crontab entry crontab -e

0 0 * * * /path/to/mage2-backup.sh --backup-db --backup-code --skip-media --src-dir=/path/to/magento2/root --dest-dir=/path/to/destination > /dev/null 2>&1

0 0 * * * expression means the command will run run at every midnight.


Mage2Backup Help

  1. Mage2Backup Help

Mage2Backup in Action 2. Mage2Backup in Action