It's a simple Canvas GUI for Unreal Engine 4 with mouse operation.
Included elements:<br> Rendering Text (left/center);<br> Rendering Rects;<br> Rendering Circles (filled and not);<br> Button, Slider, Checkbox, Combobox, Hotkeys and ColorPicker.<br> <br> Implemented a simple post-render system to draw on top of menu and all.<br> <br>
Screenshots with default style:<br>
Ingame render
Small "How to use" guide:<br>
First you need get UCanvas from game.<br> After it you can draw like this:<br>
//I'll show you with an example Post Render Hook
void PostRenderHook(UGameViewportClient* viewport, UCanvas* canvas)
void Tick()
static bool menu_opened = false;
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2) & 1) menu_opened = !menu_opened; //Our menu key
if (ZeroGUI::Window("Superior UE4 GUI", &pos, FVector2D{ 500.0f, 400.0f }, menu_opened))
//Simple Tabs
static int tab = 0;
if (ZeroGUI::ButtonTab("Tab 1", FVector2D{ 110, 25 }, tab == 0)) tab = 0;
if (ZeroGUI::ButtonTab("Tab 2", FVector2D{ 110, 25 }, tab == 1)) tab = 1;
if (ZeroGUI::ButtonTab("Tab 3", FVector2D{ 110, 25 }, tab == 2)) tab = 2;
if (ZeroGUI::ButtonTab("Tab 4", FVector2D{ 110, 25 }, tab == 3)) tab = 3;
//Some Elements
static bool text_check = false;
static float text_slider = 15.0f;
static int test_hotkey = 0x2;
static FLinearColor test_color{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
ZeroGUI::Checkbox("Test Checkbox", &text_check);
ZeroGUI::SliderFloat("Test Slider", &text_slider, 0.0f, 180.0f);
ZeroGUI::Hotkey("Test Hotkey", FVector2D{ 80, 25 }, &test_hotkey);
ZeroGUI::Text("Left aligned text!");
ZeroGUI::Text("Outline and Center aligned text!", true, true);
//Element with padding
ZeroGUI::Combobox("Combobox", FVector2D{ 100, 25 }, &test_number, "None", "First", "Second", "Third", NULL); //NULL at end is required!
ZeroGUI::SameLine();//inline items
if (ZeroGUI::Button("It's a Button!", FVector2D{ 100, 25 })) { /*clicked!*/ }
//Color Picker
ZeroGUI::ColorPicker("Color Picker", &test_color);
ZeroGUI::Render();//Custom Render. I use it for drawing Combobox and ColorPicker over the menu