

archi Build Status

Draw (architecture) diagrams as easily as Archi.

Use a convenient DSL for describing your diagrams and get an interactive HTML visualization (or plain SVG) for free!


Add to your project.clj:

Clojars Project

Run in your favourite REPL:

(use '[archi.core])
(defnodes Archi World)
(def features [(feature ["Hello"] [Archi World])])
(render! features)

Open the generated archi.html in your favourite browser.

You should see something like this:

Example graph

Example as interactive HTML

It's possible to style the nodes and edges by passing :node->descriptor and :edge->descriptor parameters to the render-method. This functionality uses standard tangle features.

See also archi-example for a more elaborate use case.

Future Plans

Suggestions, and pull requests, welcome!


Copyright © 2015 Markku Rontu

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.