


Works like brain, as fast as storm

Brainstorm is a compiler with profile-guided optimization for dynamic neural networks.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Setting up the Environment

We provide two options to set up the environment: bare metal server and docker container.

Installation on Bare Metal Server

We provide an one-click script to setup the environment on bare metal server. The script will install the required packages and Brainstorm itself.

bash scripts/setup_bare.sh

Installation with Docker Container

Building the Docker Image

We also provide a docker image to setup the environment. The docker image can be built by the following command:

python scripts/docker_gh_build.py --type latest

Starting the Docker Container

The docker image can be run by the following command:

docker run -name brt_ae -ti brt:latest /bin/bash

We also provide an online image on github registry. The image can be run by the following command:

docker run --name brt_ae -ti ghcr.io/raphael-hao/brt:latest /bin/bash

Preparing the Dataset, Checkpoints, and Kernel Database:

bash scripts/init_dev.sh

Playing with Brainstorm