


The tool was build to add support of the SASS(SCSS) files compilation in Razor Client Libraries (RCL) to CSS. Also there is a --watch option to detect *.sass and *.scss file changes in the directory and automatically trigger build operations.

This tool is used separatly of the .NET project files cause of Blazor WASM can't run watchers from the csproj libraries (.net 7).

How to install

The tool installes as global net tool.

dotnet tool install --global DartSassBuildWatcherTool

How to use


You can use the tool to automatically trigger build commands on files changes in specified directory.

All you need is to specify the wathing directory to the --watch option.

General use:

  dsbw --files /projects/scssproj/myfile.scss --watch /projects/scssproj

The command will use filesystem watch mechanism to detect file changes (create, delete, rename, move, content changes) of the *.sass and *.scss at /projects/scssproj directory and will trigger the build-file command of the /projects/scssproj/myfile.scss.

Razor Client Library (RCL)

The DartSassBuildWatcherTool bring the support of using the pattern when you want to separate you core SASS files into the RCL (variables, mixins) and then use the RCL in your frontend client applications. This pattern is moslty used in the microfrontends.

To use the tool you must specify the pathes in @import or @use or other path directives in the specific way.

Example of RCL Configuration

Step 1. Configure basic RCL wwwroot file structure

Create an "Razor Client Library" (RCL) library. Say the name will be BlazorWebKit. And the absolute path at the filesystem will be D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit. So the wwwroot directory will be at D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit\wwwroot. In the wwwroot directory create basic SASS structure.

| wwwroot
|  |  blazorwebkit.scss
|  |  img
|  |  |  add.svg
|  |  styles
|  |  |  _variables.scss
|  |  |  _mixins.scss
|  |  |  _components.scss
|  |  |  components
|  |  |  |  _button.scss
Step 2. Configure file imports at the scss files

The main goal in configuring the import pathes is to use "absolute" path, but relative to the _content/BlazorWebKit.


@use "_content/BlazorWebKit/styles/_variables";
@use "_content/BlazorWebKit/styles/_mixins";
@use "_content/BlazorWebKit/styles/_components";

.alert {
  border: 1px solid $border-dark;

nav ul {
  @include horizontal-list;



$base-color: #c6538c;
$border-dark: rgba($base-color, 0.88);


@mixin reset-list {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  list-style: none;

@mixin horizontal-list {
  @include reset-list;

  li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: {
      left: -2px;
      right: 2em;


@use "_content/BlazorWebKit/styles/components/_button";


@use "_content/BlazorWebKit/styles/_variables";

.button {
  font-size: 14px;
  font-family: inherit;
  background-color: $base-color;
  border: $border-dark;
  mask-image: url('img/add.svg');
Step 3. Run the DartSassBuildWatcherTool and build the main theme blazorwebkit.css
dsbw --files D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit\wwwroot\blazorwebkit.scss \
--map _content/BlazorWebKit=D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit\wwwroot

Option --files will compile the file blazorwebkit.scss to the blazorwebkit.css.

Option --map will replace the path _content/BlazorWebKit to the D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit\wwwroot when resolving the @import and @use directives.

!Note that the image path (and fonts) from the img directory must not include the full path (_content/BlazorWebKit). When you consume the library in the client app the Blazor css processor will automatically map library resources to the path _content/BlazorWebKit.

Step 4. Pack and send the library to your nuget server.

At this stage you will receive ready to use library in your nuget storage.

Additional information

If you're using .NET 7 Blazor, the *.csproj configuration of the RCL is pretty standard and doesn't require any additional configuration.

Example of the BlazorWebKit.csproj

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor">


    <SupportedPlatform Include="browser" />

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web" Version="7.0.0" />


If you are in active library development than you can use --watch option.

dsbw --files D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit\wwwroot\blazorwebkit.scss \
--map _content/BlazorWebKit=D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit\wwwroot \
--watch D:\Projects\BlazorWebKit\wwwroot

Example of Frontend Client Application Configuration

Step 1. Consume BlazorWebKit library in your Blazor Client App

Create or use existing Blazor client application. Say it will be BlazorFrontend at D:\Projects\BlazorFrontend\BlazorFrontend.csproj If you are using Blazor WebAssembley (WASM) include in the wwwroot/index.html the link to the BlazorWebKit library style.

	<!-- inside of head section -->
	<link href="_content/BlazorWebKit/blazorwebkit.css" rel="stylesheet" />
	<div id="app"></div>
Step 2. Create the component MyButton

Create the component MyButton.


<button @onclick="() => Clicked.InvokeAsync()" class="mybutton">

@code {
  public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }

  /// <summary>
  /// Occurs when the button is clicked.
  /// </summary>
  public EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> Clicked { get; set; }

Create the style file for MyButton component. And import the variables from the library.


@use "_content/BlazorWebKit/styles/_variables";

.mybutton {
  border: $border-dark;
Step 3. Compile styles from directory Components to css
dsbw --dir D:\Projects\BlazorFrontend\Components \
--proj D:\Projects\BlazorFrontend\BlazorFrontend.csproj

Option --dir will compile all *.scss and *.sass files corresponsive css files.

Option --proj will parse the csproj file and try to map installed directories to the path to installed nuget directory. The tool will try to map libraries from <PackageReference> to standard pathes:

If the Client App references the library project by <ProjectReference>, than the tool will use the path from <ProjectReference Include="<path-to-library>">.

If you want to use Blazor WASM hot reload, than you can run the DartSassBuildWatcherTool in the --watch mode.

dsbw --dir D:\Projects\BlazorFrontend\Components \
--proj D:\Projects\BlazorFrontend\BlazorFrontend.csproj
--watch D:\Projects\BlazorFrontend\Components