

DragSelectRecyclerView Release Android Arsenal

What is it / What does it do?

It's a simple one class TouchListener that can be attached to any RecyclerView and handles multi selection in google photos style via long pressing on an item and moving the finger up/down to select more items (it even scrolls if you reach the edges of the RecyclerView)


Gradle (via JitPack.io)

  1. add jitpack to your project's build.gradle:
repositories {
	maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
  1. add the compile statement to your module's build.gradle:
dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.MFlisar:DragSelectRecyclerView:0.3'

Usage - General

  1. Create the a touch listener like following
mDragSelectTouchListener = new DragSelectTouchListener()
	// check region OnDragSelectListener for more infos
	// following is all optional
	.withMaxScrollDistance(distance)    // default: 16; 	defines the speed of the auto scrolling
	.withTopOffset(toolbarHeight)       // default: 0; 		set an offset for the touch region on top of the RecyclerView
	.withBottomOffset(toolbarHeight)    // default: 0; 		set an offset for the touch region on bottom of the RecyclerView
	.withScrollAboveTopRegion(enabled)  // default: true; 	enable auto scrolling, even if the finger is moved above the top region
	.withScrollBelowTopRegion(enabled)  // default: true; 	enable auto scrolling, even if the finger is moved below the top region
	.withDebug(enabled);                // default: false;
  1. attach it to the RecyclerView
  1. on item long press, inform the listener so that it can start doing it's magic
// if one item is long pressed, we start the drag selection like following:
// we just call this function and pass in the position of the first selected item

Usage - OnDragSelectListener

You have 3 options:

The DragSelectionProcessor will take care to transform each event to the correct select/deselect event that must be handled by you afterwards. Therefore you must provide a ISelectionHandler in it's constructor. Just implement it's 3 simple functions and you're done.

onDragSelectionListener = new DragSelectionProcessor(new DragSelectionProcessor.ISelectionHandler() {
	public Set<Integer> getSelection() {
		// return a set of all currently selected indizes
		return selection;

	public boolean isSelected(int index) {
		// return the current selection state of the index
		return selected;

	public void updateSelection(int start, int end, boolean isSelected, boolean calledFromOnStart) {
		// update your selection
		// range is inclusive start/end positions
		// and the processor has already converted all events according to it'smode
	// pass in one of the 4 modes, simple mode is selected by default otherwise

A demo can be found here: MainActivity.java



This library is heavily inspired and based on https://github.com/weidongjian/AndroidDragSelect-SimulateGooglePhoto