


This repo frames the Unity as a CMSIS-Pack (upstream: https://github.com/ThrowTheSwitch/Unity)


Working with this repository requires the following applications and packs to be installed on your PC:


  1. Open a bash compatible shell
  2. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/MDK-Packs/Unity.git
  3. Run ./get_upstream.sh
  4. Run ./add_merge.sh to copy files from ./contributions to a ./local directory
  5. You can now add the ./local/Arm-Packs.Unity.pdsc to the list of local repositories in Pack Installer. This enables direct access to its content without the need to re-build and re-install the pack after modifications.

Creating a CMSIS-Pack

  1. Run ./gen_pack.sh
  2. Install the pack created in the ./pack directory (e.g. double-click on the pack file)

Making changes to the CMSIS-Pack

Contributions are welcome. Please raise a pull-request via GitHub: https://github.com/MDK-Packs/Unity. All contributions shall be placed in either:

To update your local pack content run ./add_merge.sh.