

Lynx will no longer have new features added to it as of 2024-06-19, read the announcement for more information

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link list


A fullstack application using the MEVN stack to shorten your URLs.

I've tried a variety of URL shorteners but didn't find any with the functionality I wanted so I made my own.

My functionality I wanted:

A mirror of this repository is available at git.jackbailey.uk


Installation has moved to the docs.


I'm actively using and trying to add features/fix bugs with Lynx, I'm just busy.

You're welcome to make a PR adding any features/fixing any issues and I'll merge them.

The Roadmap is accessible here


Each item including a slug, destination and id is called a Link, the plural being links.

Each link has a slug, this is the path in the source url. example.com/2dch89772's slug would be 2dch89772.

Each item including a username and password is called an Account, the plural being accounts.