

HS-Pose (CVPR 2023)

Pytorch implementation of HS-Pose: Hybrid Scope Feature Extraction for Category-level Object Pose Estimation. (Paper, Project)


<p align="center"> Illstraction of the hybrid feature extraction. </p>


<p align="center"> The overall framework. </p>


Required environment

Virtual environment

cd HS-Pose
virtualenv HS-Pose-env -p /usr/bin/python3.8

Then, copy past the following lines to the end of ./HS-Pose-env/bin/activate file:

export PATH=/usr/local/$CUDAVER/bin:$PATH
export CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/$CUDAVER
export CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/$CUDAVER
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/$CUDAVER

Then, use source to activate the virtualenv:

source HS-Pose-env/bin/activate


chmod +x env_setup.sh
<!-- - Install [Detectron2](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2). -->

Data Preparation

To generate your own dataset, use the data preprocess code provided in this git. Download the detection results in this git. Change the dataset_dir and detection_dir to your own path.

Since the handle visibility labels are not provided in the original NOCS REAL275 train set, please put the handle visibility file ./mug_handle.pkl under YOUR_NOCS_DIR/Real/train/ folder. The mug_handle.pkl is mannually labeled and originally provided by the GPV-Pose.

Trained model


Download the trained model from this google link or baidu link (code: w8pw). After downloading it, please extracted it and then put the HS-Pose_weights folder into the output/models/ folder.

Run the following command to check the results for REAL275 dataset:

python -m evaluation.evaluate  --model_save output/models/HS-Pose_weights/eval_result --resume 1 --resume_model ./output/models/HS-Pose_weights/model.pth --eval_seed 1677483078


Download the trained model from this google link or baidu link (code: 9et7). After downloading it, please extracted it and then put the HS-Pose_CAMERA25_weights folder into the output/models/ folder.

Run the following command to check the results for CAMERA25 dataset:

python -m evaluation.evaluate  --model_save output/models/HS-Pose_CAMERA25_weights/eval_result --resume 1 --resume_model ./output/models/HS-Pose_CAMERA25_weights/model.pth --eval_seed 1678917637 --dataset CAMERA


Please note, some details are changed from the original paper for more efficient training.

Specify the dataset directory and run the following command.

python -m engine.train --dataset_dir YOUR_DATA_DIR --model_save SAVE_DIR

Detailed configurations are in config/config.py.


python -m evaluation.evaluate --dataset_dir YOUR_DATA_DIR --detection_dir DETECTION_DIR --resume 1 --resume_model MODEL_PATH --model_save SAVE_DIR

Example Code

You can run the following training and testing commands to get the results similar to the below table.

python -m engine.train --model_save output/models/HS-Pose/ --num_workers 20 --batch_size 16 --train_steps 1500 --seed 1677330429 --dataset_dir YOUR_DATA_DIR --detection_dir DETECTION_DIR
python -m evaluation.evaluate  --model_save output/models/HS-Pose/model_149 --resume 1 --resume_model ./output/models/HS-Pose/model_149.pth --eval_seed 1677483078 --dataset_dir YOUR_DATA_DIR --detection_dir DETECTION_DIR


Cite us if you found this work useful.

    author    = {Zheng, Linfang and Wang, Chen and Sun, Yinghan and Dasgupta, Esha and Chen, Hua and Leonardis, Ale\v{s} and Zhang, Wei and Chang, Hyung Jin},
    title     = {HS-Pose: Hybrid Scope Feature Extraction for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {17163-17173}


Our implementation leverages the code from 3dgcn, FS-Net, DualPoseNet, SPD, GPV-Pose.