


.NET C# client library for the small net - Gemini and Gopher

Smolnet - the small net where life is calmer and smoother.

Gemini and Gopher are small net protocols for sharing content on the Internet.

SmolNetSharp is a .NET C# client library you can use to build your own Gemini or Gopher clients in .NET.

Projects exist for .NET core and .NET framework.


Include the SmolNet project or compiled library in your .NET solution.

There are two classes Gemini.cs and Gopher.cs which let you fetch the content. They return the content as a byte array together with the MIME type.


Gophermaps are returned with type application/gopher-menu.

Demo app

There is a very simplistic test console app in the GeminiConsole folder


The Gemini client class was initially extracted from TwinPeaks by InvisibleUp, but has been improved since. Also some ideas from BoringCactus Gemini client