


The kinda awesome beamer theme!

Using the theme

First of all you will need the smile package. If that's available, just copy and paste beamerthemeawesome.sty into your project, add \usetheme{awesome} into your main file and you're good to go :)


This theme provides some settings you can tweak:

If you wanna set one (or more) of those values, you have to pass it to \usetheme. The usage of different options can be seen in the examples below (just click on the 'Repo' link).


Using this theme requires you to run your compiler multiple times on your main LaTeX file. This is required for those litte dots in the footer to work. If you're using latexmk you don't have to do this manually as latexmk can figure this stuff out by itself.

Example slides

I already prepared many presentations using this style. Here are some examples: