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Training wheels, side rails, and helicopter parent for your Deep Learning projects in PyTorch.

pip install ride

ZERO-boilerplate AI research

Ride provides a feature-rich, battle-tested boilerplate, so that you can focus on the model-building and research. ๐Ÿงช

Out of the box, Ride gives you:

Boilerplate inheritance

With Ride, we inject functionality by means of inheritance. The same way, your network would usually inherit from torch.nn.Module, we can mix in a plethora of functionality by inheriting from the RideModule (which also includes the torch.nn.Module). In addition, boiler-plate for wiring up optimisers, metrics and datasets can be also mixed in as seen below.

Complete project definition

# simple_classifier.py
import torch
import ride
import numpy as np
from .examples import MnistDataset

class SimpleClassifier(
    def __init__(self, hparams):
        # `self.input_shape` and `self.output_shape` were injected via `MnistDataset`
        self.l1 = torch.nn.Linear(np.prod(self.input_shape), self.hparams.hidden_dim)
        self.l2 = torch.nn.Linear(self.hparams.hidden_dim, self.output_shape)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
        x = torch.relu(self.l1(x))
        x = torch.relu(self.l2(x))
        return x

    def configs():
        c = ride.Configs()
            choices=[128, 256, 512, 1024],
            description="Number of hidden units.",
        return c

if __name__ == "__main__":

The above is the complete code for a simple classifier on the MNIST dataset.

All of the usual boiler-plate code has been mixed in using multiple inheritance:


In addition to inheriting lifecycle functions etc., the mixins also add configs to your module (powered by co-rider). These define all of the configurable (hyper)parameters including their

Configs specific to the SimpleClassifier can be added by overloading the configs methods as shown in the example.

The final piece of sorcery is the Main class, which adds a complete command-line interface.

Command-line interface ๐Ÿ’ป

Train and test

$ python simple_classifier.py --train --test --learning_rate 0.01 --hidden_dim 256 --max_epochs 1

Feature extraction and visualisation

Extract features after layer l1 and visualise them with UMAP.

$ python simple_classifier.py --train --test --extract_features_after_layer = "l1" --visualise_features = "umap"

Confusion matrix visualisation

Plot the confution matrix for the test set.

$ python simple_classifier.py --train --test --test_confusion_matrix 1

Advanced model finetuning

Load model and finetune with gradual unfreeze and discriminative learning rates

$ python simple_classifier.py --train --finetune_from_weights your/path.ckpt --unfreeze_layers_initial 1 --unfreeze_epoch_step 1 --unfreeze_from_epoch 0 --discriminative_lr_fraction 0.1

Hyperparameter optimization

If we want to perform hyperparameter optimisation across four gpus, we can run:

$ python simple_classifier.py --hparamsearch --gpus 4

Curretly, we use Ray Tune and the ASHA algorithm under the hood.

Profile model

You can check the timing and FLOPs of the model with:

$ python simple_classifier.py --profile_model

Additional options

For additional configuration options, check out the help:

$ python simple_classifier.py --help


Per default, Ride projects are oriented around the current working directory and will save logs in the ~/logs folders, and cache to ~/.cache.

This behaviour can be overloaded by changing of the following environment variables (defaults noted):

DATASETS_PATH="datasets"  # Dir relative to ROOT_PATH
LOGS_PATH="logs"          # Dir relative to ROOT_PATH
RUN_LOGS_PATH="run_logs"  # Dir relative to LOGS_PATH
TUNE_LOGS_PATH="tune_logs"# Dir relative to LOGS_PATH


Library Examples

Community Examples

Video-based human action recognition:

Skeleton-based human action recognition:



If you use Ride for your research and feel like citing it, here's a BibTex:

  author={Lukas Hedegaard},
  journal={GitHub. Note: https://github.com/LukasHedegaard/ride},

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