

Welcome to contributr a Shiny app for swiping through beginner GitHub issues!

<!-- README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->

contributr is a Shiny app for finding beginner GitHub issues to contribute to. In this README we'll give guidelines for participants in the program, and for potential contributors to the app. Participants are beginners wanting to contribute to repositories, and maintainers of repositories wishing to open issues for and guide beginners.

User guide

The app is hosted at ropensci.shinyapps.io/contributr

If anything is unclear or you notice issues please post here.

Some guidelines for new users:

Guidelines for maintainters

If you are interested in becoming a maintainer with beginner issues, please fill out this form.

Guidelines for writing beginner issues

Starting guide to run locally


To run this locally, you will need the following packages that are not currently on CRAN:

<!-- -->

Dropbox Token

You will also need a Dropbox token saved in the same folder as the app called contributr-drop.rds. To generate this token, run the following:

token <- drop_auth()
saveRDS(token, "contributr-drop.rds")

This will open a browser that will request access to your dropbox account. Make sure to put contributr-drop.rds in your .gitignore

Google Credentials

You will need google credentials for the login button to work. Create a Google API Project, then Enable the API. Click Credentials & create credentials. I save mine in my .Rprofile like so:

options("googleAuthR.webapp.client_id" = "MY_CLIENT_ID")
options("googleAuthR.webapp.client_secret" = "MY_CLIENT_SECRET")

Again, make sure to put .Rprofile in your .gitignore.