


Extension of the existing IDA processor module for the m6502 processor family, the aim was to debug NES roms

Python was chosen because it doesnt need the SDK, compiler, or other overhead and is simpler to work with initially for beginners. However performance maybe worse than C, some functionality maybe impossible or difficult, and the API varies from that of the standard C api a little and can lead to confusion.

This is a sample plugin for extending IDA Pro so you can connect via gdb, and also to extend gdb support for step-over for the M6502, and to enable type information support so you can press "y" on functions and have the parameters propagate inside and back out of the funciton.

When you install a hook in the HT_IDP category, it will be called before the processor module's notify() function, so if you return non-zero, your results will be used.

Steps used to implement these features are:

  1. Add GDB style XML files for the CPU register descriptions to $IDA_HOME/cfg/ <there is a an already integrated m6502 in the list>

  2. Add to the section in $IDA_HOME/cfg/dbg_gdb.cfg that integrates that XML for GDB CONFIGURATIONS = { "m6502" : ... IDA_FEATURES = { "m6502" : ... NOT NEEDED> ARCH_MAP = { "m6502" : ... NOT NEEDED> FEATURE_MAP = ...

  3. Add function to handle step-over understanding around branches The ev_calc_step_over interprets the current instruction. If it is a JSR routine call then it will advance the IP to the next instruction. In all other cases it will advance to the next insturction by passing back BADADDR

  4. Add function to handle type info (funciton name, and paramater propagation) To enable type support you must set PR_TYPEINFO in ph.flag and implement most of the related callbacks (see "START OF TYPEINFO CALLBACKS" in idp.hpp from the IDA SDK).

Many thanks to Ilfak Guilfanov @ Hey-Rays for all his help.


Copy the various files into the IDA installation. Create a m6502 based deubg db, and set the gdb remote connection.

Known Issues