

Realized Strangle

Open a perpetual strangle (selling a put at a lower strike and a call at a higher strike) position on Uniswap V3 to sell realized volatility and capture fees.

This repository contains the smart contracts from the Alpha Vaults protocol and leverages ribbon.finanace rvol.


Recomended Reading


Before compiling, run below. The uniswap-v3-periphery package has to be cloned otherwise imports don't work.

brownie pm clone Uniswap/uniswap-v3-periphery@1.0.0

Run tests

brownie test

Run tests with with coveragee brownie test -s --coverage

To deploy, modify the parameters in scripts/deploy_mainnet.py and run:

brownie run deploy_mainnet

To trigger a rebalance, run:

brownie run rebalance


Experimenting with Brownie and Vol Oracle

## starting up 
brownie console --network mainnet

oracle = Contract.from_explorer("0x8eB47e59E0C03A7D1BFeaFEe6b85910Cefd0ee99")
pricer = Contract.from_explorer("0x966878c047e3e4aDa52Baa93A94bc176FF67b2Dc")

pricer.getOptionDelta(250000000000, 1627160535) / 10000 ## get option delta ex: 8100 = 0.81 delta)

oracle.twap("0x8ad599c3a0ff1de082011efddc58f1908eb6e6d8") / 10**18 ## USDC for ETH
1 / (oracle.twap("0x8ad599c3a0ff1de082011efddc58f1908eb6e6d8") / 10**18) * 1.2 ## x% rise in price converted to ETH to usdc pair

Deploy Contracts

strike = Contract.from_abi("Strike", "0xeC859E8966E83a11a535d452dcFDFc51504Af9F9", StrikeSelection.abi)
real = Contract.from_abi("RealVolStrat", "0xecAF80dE71c980886870F615b6933dC971A94AfA", RealVolStrategy.abi)

current_tick = real.getTick()
## call price
(call_price, call_delta) = strike.getStrikePrice(1627616181, False)
call_price = call_price * 1e22
call_tick = real.testTick(call_price)

## put price
(put_price, put_delta) = strike.getStrikePrice(1627616181, True)
put_price = put_price * 1e22
put_tick = real.testTick(put_price)

put_price = real.testPrice(put_tick) ## check sqrtPriceX96
current_price = real.testPrice(current_tick)
call_price = real.testPrice(call_tick) ## check sqrtPriceX96

# print strike, tick, and deltas
print('put_price={:f}, put_delta={:f}, put_tick={:f}\n current_price={:f}, current_tick={:f}\n call_price={:f},call_delta={:f}, call_tick={:f}'.format(
  put_price / 1e30, 
  1 - (put_delta / 10000), 
  current_price / 1e30,
  call_price / 1e30, 
  call_delta / 10000,
strike = Contract.from_abi("Strike", "0xeC859E8966E83a11a535d452dcFDFc51504Af9F9", StrikeSelection.abi)
real = Contract.from_abi("RealVolStrat", "0xecAF80dE71c980886870F615b6933dC971A94AfA", RealVolStrategy.abi)

Calculating vault rebalances

tickFloor - real.baseThreshold() # lower
tickCeil + real.baseThreshold()  # upper

# getting ticks
(put_tick, put_strike, put_delta) = real.getPutStrikePriceAsTicks() 
lowerThreshold = put_tick # lower
(call_tick, call_strike, call_delta) = real.getCallStrikePriceAsTicks()
upper_threshold = call_tick # upper

## testing a rebalance
real.rebalance({'from': '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045'}) # w/ the keeper addr for now unlocked in brownie-config.yaml

Converting sqrtPriceX96 to spot price

from https://discord.com/channels/597638925346930701/823968973753810945/849542438745014282

1 / (( real.getPrice()/pow(2,96) ) / pow(10,6) )**2
>> 1987.0467456825836

Knowing what the spot price is from the sqrtPriceX96 is helpful for testing since the strikes of the calls and puts are not given in a sqrtPriceX96 format.