

µTemplate Last release Build Status Project Stats


µTemplate is a template-files loader for Vim. Once loaded, templates are interpreted and expanded according to a flexible syntax.


However, it misses the following features:


A few examples are better than a long speech, check the documentation for more precisions.

Note: all the default template-files shipped with mu-template can be browsed from the repository

C-if snippet

Snippet that uses ¡, s:Surround(), lh-style's styling feature

VimL:"{if} Template-File, Luc Hermitte
VimL:" hint: if (cond) { action }
VimL: let s:value_start = '¡'
VimL: let s:value_end = '¡'
VimL: let s:reindent = 1
VimL: let s:marker_open = '<+'
VimL: let s:marker_close = '+>'
if(¡substitute(s:Surround(2, '<+cond+>'), '^\_s*\|\_s*$', '', 'g')¡){
¡s:Surround(1, '<+code+>')¡

C-case snippet

Snippet that uses ¡, s:TerminalPlaceHolder(), lh-style's styling feature, and that takes options.

VimL:" {case:} File Template, Luc Hermitte, 05th Jan 2011
VimL:" hint: case {tag: ...; break;}
VimL: let s:value_start = '¡'
VimL: let s:value_start = '¡'
VimL: let s:value_end = s:value_start
VimL: let s:marker_open = '<+'
VimL: let s:marker_close = '+>'
VimL: let s:case = empty(s:Args()) ? lh#marker#txt('case') : (s:Args()[0])
VimL: let s:_with_block2 = len(s:Args()) <= 1 ? INPUT("Insert a block for the case (0/1) ?") : (s:Args()[1])
case <+s:case+>:
<+¡substitute(s:case, lh#marker#txt('\(.\{-}\)'), '\1', '')¡-code+>;

Vim-plugmap snippet

Recursive snippet that takes options, uses s:Include(), s:SurroundableParam(), :MuT-commands, and that contain a loop

VimL:" ``VimL <Plug> mappings'' File Template, Luc Hermitte <hermitte {at} free {dot} fr>
VimL:" hint: <Plug>mapping + default mapping
VimL: let s:reindent     = 1
VimL: let s:marker_open  = '<+'
VimL: let s:marker_close = '+>'
MuT:  let s:mapmode = s:SurroundableParam('mode', 1, lh#option#unset())
MuT:  let s:plugname = s:SurroundableParam('plug', 2, lh#option#unset())
MuT:  if lh#option#is_unset(s:mapmode)
MuT:    let s:mapmode = INPUT('Mode (invox)?', lh#marker#txt('mode'))
MuT:  endif
MuT:  if lh#option#is_unset(s:plugname)
MuT:    let s:plugname =  INPUT('<Plug>?',       lh#marker#txt('name'))
MuT:  endif
VimL: call s:Include('get-script-kind', 'vim/internals')
VimL: let s:buffer = s:ftplug ? '<buffer> ' : ''
MuT:  if strlen(s:mapmode) == 1 || lh#marker#is_a_marker(s:mapmode)
<+s:mapmode+>noremap <+s:buffer+><silent> <Plug><+s:plugname+> <+definition+>
if !hasmapto('<Plug><+s:plugname+>', '<+s:mapmode+>')
  <+s:mapmode+>map <+s:buffer+><silent> <unique> <+keybinding+> <Plug><+s:plugname+>
MuT:  else
VimL:    for mode in split(s:mapmode, '\zs') | call s:Include('plugmap', 'vim', {'mode': mode, 'plug': s:plugname}) | endfor
MuT:  endif

Interactive template-file: C++ Class Template

VimL:" C++ Class Template, Luc Hermitte
VimL:" hint: Class Wizard (asks for class semantics)
VimL: let s:value_start = '¡'
VimL: let s:value_end = '¡'
VimL: let s:reindent = 1
VimL: let s:marker_open = '<+'
VimL: let s:marker_close = '+>'
VimL: let s:clsname = empty(s:Args()) ? INPUT("class name ?", lh#marker#txt(expand('%:t:r'))) : (s:Args()[0])
VimL: call CppDox_ClassWizard(s:clsname)
VimL: call s:Include("section-sep", "c", s:clsname." class")
VimL: silent! unlet s:doc
VimL: let s:doc = []
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "tag": "ingroup", "text": "g".lh#option#get('dox_group', lh#marker#txt('Group')) }]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "tag": "brief" }]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "text": "\n" }]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "text": "<+doc+>" }]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "text": "\n" }]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "tag": "invariant"}]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "text": "\n" }]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "tag": "semantics"}]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "text": g:CppDox_semantics}]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "text": "\n" }]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "tag": "version", "text": "$"."revision$"}]
VimL: let s:doc += [{ "tag": "author"}]
VimL: call s:Include("formatted-comment", "cpp/internals", s:doc)
class <+s:clsname+>
/**<+lh#dox#tag('name')+> Construction/destruction
VimL: let s:fn_comments = { }
VimL: let s:fn_comments.brief = "Default constructor."
VimL: let s:fn_comments.throw = {"optional": 1}
VimL: call s:Include("function-comment", "cpp/internals",s:fn_comments)

VimL: "
VimL: " not documented, this is :DOX job
<+s:clsname+>(<+define the params, and document me w/ :DOX+>);

VimL: "
VimL: " todo: support using default implementations
MuT: if g:CppDox_do_copy
VimL: call s:Include("copy-constructor", "cpp", s:clsname)
VimL: call s:Inject([""])
VimL: call s:Include("copy-and-swap", "cpp", s:clsname)

MuT: endif
VimL: call s:Include("destructor", "cpp",{"name":(s:clsname), "virtual": (g:CppDox_isVirtualDest) })

<+Other public functions+>;

¡IF(strlen(g:CppDox_protected_members), "protected:\n", '')¡

<+Private functions+>;


Completely useless recursive example

VimL: let s:value_start  = '¡'
VimL: let s:value_end    = '¡'
VimL: let s:marker_open  = '<+'
VimL: let s:marker_close = '+>'
VimL: let s:var = 1
 * ¡'$'¡Id$
¡s:var + 5¡a
here <+we go+>
VimL: let s:msg =''
VimL: call s:Include('test-included')
VimL: let s:msg =' again'
VimL: call s:Include('test-included')

Some tests:
VimL: let s:expr = "first line\nsecond line\n "
text ¡s:expr¡
VimL: let s:times = exists('s:times') ? (s:times+1) : 1
This part has been included¡s:msg¡ ¡((s:times==1)?'once':(s:times==2 ? 'twice' : (s:times.' times')))¡.
VimL: if s:times <= 4 | call s:Include('test-included') | endif
VimL: silent! unlet s:times


Note: regarding COC

Since v.4.4.0, µTemplate delegates the selection of its snippets to COC, when COC is detected.


See also

There are many other template-files loaders for Vim, see the non exhaustive list of vim.wikia, or the comparative matrix in Marc Weber's vim wiki.