


Authors: Jacopo Bonato, Francesco Pelosin, Luigi Sabetta, Alessandro Nicolosi

Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.02916



For each dataset we make available a bashscript (i.e. Cifar100_exp.sh) containing the parameters used to obtain the results reported in the paper. Each script will run 10 experiemnts with 10 different seeds.

Data Path setup

Before running everything, go to main.py and set the data path (line number 31) to the folder where you want to store the data. The data will be either downloaded automatically from continuum or needs to be downloaded there.

CIFAR100/10 (works out of the box)

To run the experiments on CIFAR100/10 dataset in class incremental (Table 1.A), run the following command:

sh cifar100_exp.sh

all the outputs will be logged in the ./logs/cifar100_experiment folder (accuracies, losses, plots) and in the terminal.

CORE50_CI/10 (requires setup)

Download the dataset and unzip it into your dataset folder (the folder that you have mounted into your docker image 'path_to_dataset_folder')

wget download the dataset from http://bias.csr.unibo.it/maltoni/download/core50/core50_128x128.zip
unzip core50_128x128.zip 

TinyImgNet/10 (requires setup)

Download the dataset and unzip it intop your dataset folder.

wget http://cs231n.stanford.edu/tiny-imagenet-200.zip
unzip tiny-imagenet-200.zip

Then we need to prepare the folder structure to work with continuum as follows:

Synbols (requires generation)