


A .NET port of the Tinkerpop Stack.


What is inside

For now, blueprints-core 2.3.0 has been ported. It is not production ready yet. It includes

The Property Graph Model Test Suite is currently being ported. As of now, 357/357 tests pass.

What's Next?

There is still a lot more work that must be done in order to get a full stack implemented in .NET. Making sure it's root component is solid is fundamental. This is why, before proceeding further on with the port of the other APIs, the test suite must be complete and more than the TinkerGraph implementation must pass through it.

Why that name?

This is in reference to the Château Frontenac in Quebec City, Canada, because writing softwares is a bit like building castles.


Special thanks to the authors and contributors of the original library: