

Whispers in the Machine: Confidentiality in LLM-integrated Systems

This is the code repository accompanying our paper Whispers in the Machine: Confidentiality in LLM-integrated Systems.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly integrated with external tools. While these integrations can significantly improve the functionality of LLMs, they also create a new attack surface where confidential data may be disclosed between different components. Specifically, malicious tools can exploit vulnerabilities in the LLM itself to manipulate the model and compromise the data of other services, raising the question of how private data can be protected in the context of LLM integrations.<br><br> In this work, we provide a systematic way of evaluating confidentiality in LLM-integrated systems. For this, we formalize a "secret key" game that can capture the ability of a model to conceal private information. This enables us to compare the vulnerability of a model against confidentiality attacks and also the effectiveness of different defense strategies. In this framework, we evaluate eight previously published attacks and four defenses. We find that current defenses lack generalization across attack strategies. Building on this analysis, we propose a method for robustness fine-tuning, inspired by adversarial training. <br>This approach is effective in lowering the success rate of attackers and in improving the system's resilience against unknown attacks.

If you want to cite our work, please use the this BibTeX entry.

This framework was developed to study the confidentiality of Large Language Models (LLMs). The framework contains several features:

[!WARNING] <b>Hardware aceleration is only fully supported for CUDA machines running Linux. Windows or MacOS with CUDA/MPS could face some issues.</b>


Before running the code, install the requirements:

python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Create both a key.txt file containing your OpenAI API key as well as a hf_token.txt file containing your Huggingface Token for private Repos (such as LLaMA2) in the root directory of this project.

Sometimes it can be necessary to login to your Huggingface account via the CLI:

git config --global credential.helper store
huggingface-cli login

Distributed Training

All scripts are able to work on multiple GPUs/CPUs using the accelerate library. To do so, run:

accelerate config

to configure the distributed training capabilities of your system and start the scripts with:

accelerate launch [parameters] <script.py> [script parameters]

Attacks and Defenses


python attack.py [-h] [-a | --attacks [ATTACK1, ATTACK2, ..]] [-d | --defense DEFENSE] [-llm | --llm_type LLM_TYPE] [-m | --iterations ITERATIONS] [-t | --temperature TEMPERATURE]

Example Usage

python attack.py --attacks "payload_splitting" "obfuscation" --defense "xml_tagging" --iterations 15 --llm_type "llama2-7b" --temperature 0.7


ArgumentTypeDefault ValueDescription
-h, --help--show this help message and exit
-a, --attacks<b>List[str]</b>payload_splittingspecifies the attacks which will be utilized against the LLM
-d, --defense<b>str</b>Nonespecifies the defense for the LLM
-llm, --llm_type<b>str</b>gpt-3.5-turbospecifies the type of opponent
-le, --llm_guessing<b>bool</b>Falsespecifies whether a second LLM is used to guess the secret key off the normal response or not
-t, --temperature<b>float</b>0.0specifies the temperature for the LLM to control the randomness
-cp, --create_prompt_dataset<b>bool</b>Falsespecifies whether a new dataset of enhanced system prompts should be created
-cr, --create_response_dataset<b>bool</b>Falsespecifies whether a new dataset of secret leaking responses should be created
-i, --iterations<b>int</b>10specifies the number of iterations for the attack
-n, --name_suffix<b>str</b>""Specifies a name suffix to load custom models. Since argument parameter strings aren't allowed to start with '-' symbols, the first '-' will be added by the parser automatically
-s, --strategy<b>str</b>NoneSpecifies the strategy for the attack (whether to use normal attacks or tools attacks)
-sc, --scenario<b>str</b>allSpecifies the scenario for the tool based attacks
-dx, --device<b>str</b>cpuSpecifies the device which is used for running the script (cpu, cuda, or mps)
-pf, --prompt_format<b>str</b>reactSpecifies whether react or tool-finetuned prompt format is used for agents. (react or tool-finetuned)
The naming conventions for the models are as follows:



If you want to run the attacks against a prefix-tuned model with a custom suffix (e.g., 1000epochs), you would have to specify the arguments a follows:

... --model_name llama2-7b-prefix --name_suffix 1000epochs ...

Supported Large Language Models

ModelParameter SpecifierLinkCompute Instance
GPT-3.5-Turbogpt-3.5 / gpt-3.5-turboLinkOpenAI API
GPT-4-Turbogpt-4 / gpt-4-turboLinkOpenAI API
LLaMA 2llama2-7b / llama2-13b / llama2-70bLinkLocal Inference
LLaMA 2 hardenedllama2-7b-robust / llama2-13b-robust / llama2-70b-robustLinkLocal Inference
LLaMA 3.1llama3-8b / llama3-70bLinkLocal Inference (first: ollama pull llama3.1/llama3.1:70b/llama3.1:405b)
Vicunavicuna-7b / vicuna-13b / vicuna-33bLinkLocal Inference
StableBeluga (2)beluga-7b / beluga-13b / beluga2-70bLinkLocal Inference
Orca 2orca2-7b / orca2-13b / orca2-70bLinkLocal Inference
Gemmagemma-2b / gemma-7bLinkLocal Inference
Gemma 2gemma2-9b / gemma2-27bLinkLocal Inference (first: ollama pull gemma2/gemma2:27b)
Phi 3phi3-3b / phi3-14bLinkLocal Inference (first: ollama pull phi3:mini/phi3:medium)

(Finetuned or robust/hardened LLaMA models first have to be generated using the finetuning.py script, see below)

Supported Attacks and Defenses

Payload Splittingpayload_splittingRandom Sequence Enclosureseq_enclosure
ObfuscationobfuscationXML Taggingxml_tagging
JailbreakjailbreakHeuristic/Filtering Defenseheuristic_defense
TranslationtranslationSandwich Defensesandwiching
ChatML Abusechatml_abuseLLM Evaluationllm_eval
MaskingmaskingPerplexity Detectionppl_detection
Adversarial Suffixadvs_suffix
Prefix Injectionprefix_injection
Refusal Suppressionrefusal_suppression
Context Ignoringcontext_ignoring
Context Terminationcontext_termination
Context Switching Separatorscontext_switching_separators
Cognitive Hackingcognitive_hacking
Base Chatbase_chat

The base_chat attack consists of normal questions to test of the model spills it's context and confidential information even without a real attack.


This section covers the possible LLaMA finetuning options. We use PEFT, which is based on this paper.


Additionally to the above setup run

accelerate config

to configure the distributed training capabilities of your system. And

wandb login

with your WandB API key to enable logging of the finetuning process.

Parameter Efficient Finetuning to harden LLMs against attacks or create enhanced system prompts

The first finetuning option is on a dataset consisting of system prompts to safely instruct an LLM to keep a secret key safe. The second finetuning option (using the --train_robust option) is using system prompts and adversarial prompts to harden the model against prompt injection attacks.


python finetuning.py [-h] [-llm | --llm_type LLM_NAME] [-i | --iterations ITERATIONS] [-a | --attacks ATTACKS_LIST] [-n | --name_suffix NAME_SUFFIX]


ArgumentTypeDefault ValueDescription
-h, --help--Show this help message and exit
-llm, --llm_type<b>str</b>llama3-8bSpecifies the type of llm to finetune
-i, --iterations<b>int</b>10000Specifies the number of iterations for the finetuning
-advs, --advs_train<b>bool</b>FalseUtilizes the adversarial training to harden the finetuned LLM
-a, --attacks<b>List[str]</b>payload_splittingSpecifies the attacks which will be used to harden the llm during finetuning. Only has an effect if --train_robust is set to True. For supported attacks see the previous section
-n, --name_suffix<b>str</b>""Specifies a suffix for the finetuned model name

Supported Large Language Models

Currently only the LLaMA models are supported (llama2-7/13/70b / llama3-8/70b).

Generate System Prompt Datasets

Simply run the generate_dataset.py script to create new system prompts as a json file using LLMs.


ArgumentTypeDefault ValueDescription
-h, --help--Show this help message and exit
-llm, --llm_type<b>str</b>llama3-70bSpecifies the LLM used to generate the system prompt dataset
-n, --name_suffix<b>str</b>""Specifies a suffix for the model name if you want to use a custom model
-ds, --dataset_size<b>int</b>1000Size of the resulting system prompt dataset


If you want to cite our work, please use the following BibTeX entry:

	title    =  {{Whispers in the Machine: Confidentiality in LLM-integrated Systems}}, 
	author   =  {Jonathan Evertz and Merlin Chlosta and Lea Schönherr and Thorsten Eisenhofer},
	year     =  {2024},
	journal  =  {Computing Research Repository (CoRR)}