

<p align="center"> <img alt="TR1X logo" src="data/logo-light-theme.png#gh-light-mode-only" width="400"/> <img alt="TR1X logo" src="data/logo-dark-theme.png#gh-dark-mode-only" width="400"/> </p>

This is an open source implementation of the classic Tomb Raider I game (1996), made by reverse engineering the TombATI / GLRage variant of the original game and replacing proprietary audio/video libraries with open source variants.

See the Tomb Raider Forums topic.


<table> <tr> <th> Restored braid <img src="docs/showcase/braid.jpg"/> </th> <th> Enemy health bar and UI scaling <img src="docs/showcase/enemy_health_bar_and_scaling.jpg"/> </th> </tr> <tr> <th> 3D pickups <img src="docs/showcase/3d_pickups.jpg"/> </th> <th> Improved stats <img src="docs/showcase/compass_stats.jpg"/> </th> </tr> <tr> <th> Skybox support <img src="docs/showcase/skybox.jpg"/> </th> <th> Customizable draw distance <img src="docs/showcase/draw_distance.webp"/> </th> </tr> <tr> <th> Fly cheat <img src="docs/showcase/fly_cheat.jpg"/> </th> <th> Developer console <img src="docs/showcase/console.webp"/> </th> </tr> <tr> <th> Free camera <img src="docs/showcase/free_camera.jpg"/> </th> <th> PS1 UI and new graphics options <img src="docs/showcase/ps1_ui_and_gfx.jpg"/> </th> </tr> </table>

Windows / Linux

Installing (simplified)

  1. Head over to GitHub releases: https://github.com/LostArtefacts/TR1X/releases
  2. Download the installer. Your browser may complain that the .exe is unsafe, but it's OK to ignore this alert.
  3. Mark the installer EXE as safe to run by right-clicking on the .exe, going to properties and clicking "Unblock".
  4. Run the installer and proceed with the steps.

We hope that eventually these alerts will go away as the popularity of the project rises.

Installing (advanced / manual)

  1. Head over to GitHub releases: https://github.com/LostArtefacts/TR1X/releases
  2. Download the zip file.
  3. Extract the zip file into a directory of your choice.
    Make sure you choose to overwrite existing directories and files (cfg/TR1X_config.json5 can remain, but new features will not be configurable).
  4. (First time installation) Put your original game files into the target directory.
    1. For Steam and GOG users, extract the original GAME.BIN file using a tool such as UltraISO to your target directory. Note that neither the GOG nor the Steam releases ship the music files. You have a few options here:

      Optionally you can also install the Unfinished Business expansion pack files.

    2. For TombATI users this means copying the data, fmv and music directories.

  5. To play the game, run TR1X.exe.
  6. To play the Unfinished Expansion pack, run TR1X.exe -gold.

If you install everything correctly, your game directory should look more or less like this (click to expand):

<details> <p><em>* Will not be present until the game has been launched.</em></p> <pre> . ├── cfg │   ├── TR1X.json5 * │   ├── TR1X_gameflow.json5 │   ├── TR1X_gameflow_demo_pc.json5 │   └── TR1X_gameflow_ub.json5 ├── data │   ├── cat.phd │   ├── cred0.pcx │   ├── cred1.pcx │   ├── cred2.pcx │   ├── cred3.pcx │   ├── cut1.phd │   ├── cut2.phd │   ├── cut3.phd │   ├── cut4.phd │   ├── egypt.phd │   ├── eidospc.pcx │   ├── end2.phd │   ├── end.pcx │   ├── end.phd │   ├── gym.phd │   ├── install.pcx │   ├── level10a.phd │   ├── level10b.phd │   ├── level10c.phd │   ├── level1.phd │   ├── level2.phd │   ├── level3a.phd │   ├── level3b.phd │   ├── level4.phd │   ├── level5.phd │   ├── level6.phd │   ├── level7a.phd │   ├── level7b.phd │   ├── level8a.phd │   ├── level8b.phd │   ├── level8c.phd │   ├── titleh.pcx │   ├── titleh_ub.pcx │   │── title.phd │   │── images │   │ ├── atlantis.webp │   │ ├── credits_1.webp │   │ ├── credits_2.webp │   │ ├── credits_3.webp │   │ ├── credits_3_alt.webp │   │ ├── credits_ps1.webp │   │ ├── egypt.webp │   │ ├── eidos.webp │   │ ├── end.webp │   │ ├── greece.webp │   │ ├── greece_saturn.webp │   │ ├── gym.webp │   │ ├── install.webp │   │ ├── peru.webp │   │ ├── title.webp │   │ ├── title_og_alt.webp │   │ └── title_ub.webp │   └── injections │   ├── atlantis_fd.bin │   ├── atlantis_textures.bin │   ├── backpac.bin │   └── etc... ├── fmv │   ├── cafe.rpl │   ├── canyon.rpl │   ├── core.avi │   ├── end.rpl │   ├── escape.rpl │   ├── lift.rpl │   ├── mansion.rpl │   ├── prison.rpl │   ├── pyramid.rpl │   ├── snow.rpl │   └── vision.rpl ├── music │   ├── track02.flac │   ├── track03.flac │   ├── track04.flac │   ├── track05.flac │   ├── track06.flac │   ├── track07.flac │   ├── track08.flac │   ├── track09.flac │   ├── track10.flac │   ├── track11.flac │   ├── track12.flac │   ├── track13.flac │   ├── track14.flac │   ├── track15.flac │   ├── track16.flac │   ├── track17.flac │   ├── track18.flac │   ├── track19.flac │   ├── track20.flac │   ├── track21.flac │   ├── track22.flac │   ├── track23.flac │   ├── track24.flac │   ├── track25.flac │   ├── track26.flac │   ├── track27.flac │   ├── track28.flac │   ├── track29.flac │   ├── track30.flac │   ├── track31.flac │   ├── track32.flac │   ├── track33.flac │   ├── track34.flac │   ├── track35.flac │   ├── track36.flac │   ├── track37.flac │   ├── track38.flac │   ├── track39.flac │   ├── track40.flac │   ├── track41.flac │   ├── track42.flac │   ├── track43.flac │   ├── track44.flac │   ├── track45.flac │   ├── track46.flac │   ├── track47.flac │   ├── track48.flac │   ├── track49.flac │   ├── track50.flac │   ├── track51.flac │   ├── track52.flac │   ├── track53.flac │   ├── track54.flac │   ├── track55.flac │   ├── track56.flac │   ├── track57.flac │   ├── track58.flac │   ├── track59.flac │   └── track60.flac ├── shaders │   ├── 2d.glsl │   ├── 3d.glsl │   └── fbo.glsl ├── TR1X.exe └── TR1X_ConfigTool.exe </pre> </details>


To configure TR1X, run the TR1X_ConfigTool.exe application. All the configuration is explained in this tool. Alternatively, after running the game at least once, you can edit TR1X.json5 manually in a text editor such as Notepad.



  1. Head over to GitHub releases: https://github.com/LostArtefacts/TR1X/releases
  2. Download the TR1X-Installer.dmg installer image. Mount the image and drag TR1X to the Applications folder.
  3. Run TR1X from the Applications folder. This will show you an error dialog about missing game data files. This is expected at this point, as you have not copied them in yet. However, it's important to run the app first to allow macOS to verify the app bundle's signature.
  4. Find TR1X in your Applications folder. Right-click it and click "Show Package Contents".
  5. Copy your Tomb Raider 1 game data files into Contents/Resources. (See the Windows / Linux instructions for retrieving game data from e.g. GOG.)

If you install everything correctly, your game directory should look more or less like this (click to expand):

<details> <p><em>* Will not be present until the game has been launched.</em></p> <pre> . └── Contents ├── _CodeSignature ├── Framworks ├── info.plist ├── MacOS └── Resources ├── cfg │   ├── TR1X.json5 * │   ├── TR1X_gameflow.json5 │   ├── TR1X_gameflow_demo_pc.json5 │   └── TR1X_gameflow_ub.json5 ├── data │   ├── cat.phd │   ├── cred0.pcx │   ├── cred1.pcx │   ├── cred2.pcx │   ├── cred3.pcx │   ├── cut1.phd │   ├── cut2.phd │   ├── cut3.phd │   ├── cut4.phd │   ├── egypt.phd │   ├── eidospc.pcx │   ├── end2.phd │   ├── end.pcx │   ├── end.phd │   ├── gym.phd │   ├── install.pcx │   ├── level10a.phd │   ├── level10b.phd │   ├── level10c.phd │   ├── level1.phd │   ├── level2.phd │   ├── level3a.phd │   ├── level3b.phd │   ├── level4.phd │   ├── level5.phd │   ├── level6.phd │   ├── level7a.phd │   ├── level7b.phd │   ├── level8a.phd │   ├── level8b.phd │   ├── level8c.phd │   ├── titleh.pcx │   ├── titleh_ub.pcx │   │── title.phd │   │── images │   │ ├── atlantis.webp │   │ ├── credits_1.webp │   │ ├── credits_2.webp │   │ ├── credits_3.webp │   │ ├── credits_3_alt.webp │   │ ├── credits_ps1.webp │   │ ├── egypt.webp │   │ ├── eidos.webp │   │ ├── end.webp │   │ ├── greece.webp │   │ ├── greece_saturn.webp │   │ ├── gym.webp │   │ ├── install.webp │   │ ├── peru.webp │   │ ├── title.webp │   │ ├── title_og_alt.webp │   │ └── title_ub.webp │   └── injections │   ├── atlantis_fd.bin │   ├── atlantis_textures.bin │   ├── backpac.bin │   └── etc... ├── fmv │   ├── cafe.rpl │   ├── canyon.rpl │   ├── core.avi │   ├── end.rpl │   ├── escape.rpl │   ├── lift.rpl │   ├── mansion.rpl │   ├── prison.rpl │   ├── pyramid.rpl │   ├── snow.rpl │   └── vision.rpl ├── icon.icns ├── music │   ├── track02.flac │   ├── track03.flac │   ├── track04.flac │   ├── track05.flac │   ├── track06.flac │   ├── track07.flac │   ├── track08.flac │   ├── track09.flac │   ├── track10.flac │   ├── track11.flac │   ├── track12.flac │   ├── track13.flac │   ├── track14.flac │   ├── track15.flac │   ├── track16.flac │   ├── track17.flac │   ├── track18.flac │   ├── track19.flac │   ├── track20.flac │   ├── track21.flac │   ├── track22.flac │   ├── track23.flac │   ├── track24.flac │   ├── track25.flac │   ├── track26.flac │   ├── track27.flac │   ├── track28.flac │   ├── track29.flac │   ├── track30.flac │   ├── track31.flac │   ├── track32.flac │   ├── track33.flac │   ├── track34.flac │   ├── track35.flac │   ├── track36.flac │   ├── track37.flac │   ├── track38.flac │   ├── track39.flac │   ├── track40.flac │   ├── track41.flac │   ├── track42.flac │   ├── track43.flac │   ├── track44.flac │   ├── track45.flac │   ├── track46.flac │   ├── track47.flac │   ├── track48.flac │   ├── track49.flac │   ├── track50.flac │   ├── track51.flac │   ├── track52.flac │   ├── track53.flac │   ├── track54.flac │   ├── track55.flac │   ├── track56.flac │   ├── track57.flac │   ├── track58.flac │   ├── track59.flac │   └── track60.flac └── shaders    ├── 2d.glsl    ├── 3d.glsl    └── fbo.glsl </pre> </details>

Improvements over original game

Not all options are turned on by default. Refer to TR1X_ConfigTool.exe for details.











  1. Is the game fully playable from beginning to the end?

    Yes. If you encounter a bug, please file a ticket.

  2. Can we get HD textures? Reflections? Other visual updates?

    Eventually, probably yes, but we'd really appreciate help with these.

  3. Can we get braid in every level? Skyboxes? Flyby cameras? New animations? etc.

    The difficulty here is that these features often require inserting a completely new animation, a textured mesh or a sound file and pretend they're always been a part of the original game. Work is underway on an injection framework, and the braid is now supported in each level.

  4. Can I play this on Mac, Linux, Android...?

    Currently supported platforms include Windows, Linux and macOS. In the future, it might be possible to run the game on Android as well – contributions are welcome!

  5. What's the relation to TR2Main?

    Initially established as TR1Main in 2021, our project's development paths deviated, leading us to recognize the need for a distinct name. As a result, we rebranded the project as Tomb1Main. However, to further differentiate ourselves, we underwent another rebranding in 2023, ultimately adopting the name TR1X. TR2Main is a separate project with its own unique trajectory and not directly related to our development efforts.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the COPYING.md file for details.


(c) 2021 Marcin Kurczewski. All rights reserved. Original game is created by Core Design Ltd. in 1996. Lara Croft and Tomb Raider are trademarks of Square Enix Ltd. Title image by Kidd Bowyer. Loading screens and high quality images by goblan_oldnewpixel and Posix.