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    ######/      ###   ###   ######/         ######/      ######/    ###          ###  ###  ###  
      ###         ###   ###   #####            ###         #####      ###          ###  ###  ### 

One terminal plugin to rule them all (eventually).



This is my second take at a neovim plugin using the terminal (first was https://github.com/LoricAndre/fzterm.nvim). <br> I dropped the first one because it quickly became a mess and creating another one was faster than refactoring the first one.<br> This does not mean that I'll drop support for this one though, since it is well better designed (for reference, adding a new command now takes little knowledge of lua and only a little bit of tinkering, but with fzterm it was quite the fight).<br> Main difference you'll see with fzterm is the way it is configured and the fact that you can now open files in a new split/tab.


The base framework is using neovim nightly features, so you need to be using the latest nightly release.<br> Most commands require fzf. files and rg require ripgrep, ag requires the silver searcher andranger requires, well, ranger. git uses lazygit and gitui uses gitui.<br> Credits to all the devs of those projects :heart:.


Install the plugin using your favorite package manager (or whatever way you deem best). Then, all you have to do is type :OneTerm <Tab> and browse through the commands. Using the term command also requires you to have hidden set : set hidden

Implemented commands


OneTerm's window is configurable using the following variables. You can set them using either let g:var from vimscript or vim.g.var from lua.

Using the framework

Each of the commands calls the same lua function, accessible using lua require('oneterm').main(arg_object).<br> arg_object should be an object, with the following keys :

The way this function works is very simple : if cmd is a function, it is ran and writes its output to "/tmp/onetermcmd" (or windows' temp dir), then opens a terminal reading from this file and piping it to matcher (after having built it) then writing the output to "/tmp/oneterm". If cmd is a string, the terminal is opened, running the command inside and piping to the rest of the treatment. Check init.lua for examples