


Authors: Jean-Ferdy Susini, Olivier Pons, Claude Lion
Created: 2/12/2014 9:23 PM
Version: 5.0.561.alpha
Build: 561
Copyleft 2014-2024

This implementation is still in alpha stage, cause API is still mostly subject to big changes...

A Javascript implementation of the reactive programming framework SugarCubes v5. It was originally designed on top of Java. It is based on Frederic Boussinot's synchronous/reactive paradigm proposed in the early 90's by Frédéric BOUSSINOT[Bo1], and allows one to write reactive parallel/concurrent programs on top of sequential Javascript.

Quick start:

We developed SugarCubesJS first to ease the build of WebApps deployed on smartphones and tablets in a scientific study : DanceDoigt. So the primary environment for SugarCubesJS is a Web page.

  1. load the library SugarCubes.js by adding :

    <script type="text/javascript" src="SugarCubes.js">

    to your HTML page. One can use the following url to access online version of the library at : http://jeanferdysusini.free.fr/SugarCubes.js.

  2. In a script node, build a reactive execution environment to execute reactive programs :

    var main=SC.clock();

    To be able to trace execution, set a standard output for messages. Here, one uses the Javascript console.

  3. declare reactive events :

    var e=SC.evt("e");

    Reactive events can be seen as global communication channels. Their semantics is defined according to a clock. At each instant (of execution) an event is exclusively either present or absent. And so this state is static during the instant. Status cans only be changed from instant to instant.

  4. write programs using events previously declared :

    var program1=SC.repeat(3, SC.await(e), SC.write("event &e is generated !"));
    var program2=SC.repeat(3, SC.pause(5), SC.generate(e));
  5. add each program to the execution environment (each program will be added to execute in parallel each with the others) :

  6. build a sensor which is an interface in between classic Javascript execution model and SugarCubes execution model. Sensors can only be generated by the external environment (one cannot use generate instruction to generate it) And sensor state is sampled at each begin of a reaction.

    var period=SC.periodic({ delay: 1000 });

    The sensor period will periodically produce a new value about every seconds.

  7. bind the clock to the period sensor to make it produce reactions on regular basis (a clock reaction is so triggered at each new value of the sensor).

  8. For a better understanding of what is going on you can activate a prompt indicating each new instant of the reactive execution environment :

  9. The result of such execution goes to the debugging console, so it doesn't provide anything observable to the user in the document page. To redirect output to the content of a HTML document, you can for example declare a HTML element in your document : for example a PRE element :

    var output=document.createElement("pre");

    Then set a closure to capture and redirect standard SugarCubesJS output :

      output.innerText += msg;

Full code

Here is the full code for that simple web page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://jeanferdysusini.free.fr/SugarCubes.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Clock declaration */
var main=SC.clock();
/* Events declaration */
var e=SC.evt("e");
/* Programs declaration */
var program1=SC.repeat(3, SC.await(e), SC.write("event &e is generated !"));
var program2=SC.repeat(3, SC.pause(5), SC.generate(e));
/* Sensor declaration */
var period=SC.periodic({ delay: 1000 });
/* binding clock to sensor */
/* display management */
var output=document.createElement("pre");

One word about Reactive Synchronous Programming Model « à la » Boussinot:

F. Boussinot's reactive synchronous programming model derives from reactive synchronous paradigms such as the one of the Esterel programming language[Es82, Es84] (G. Berry, G. Gontier, J.-P. Marmorat, J.-P. Rigault).

The execution of a whole program is split into a sequence of small steps which are executed one after the other. Such a sequence is then called a logical clock and peaces of execution are called reactions. Every steps of execution of the whole reactive system are called instants of execution.

That way the computation model defines an abstract notion of time. An important choice have been made in modeling such systems : synchronous/reactive models have chosen to refer to a discrete notion of time. This is an important difference compared to other reactive paradigms such as the one of functional reactive programming[FRP94] (C. Elliott).

In reactive/synchronous paradigm, programs and more precisely instructions that define programs, are referring to that abstract notion of logical discrete time. This computational model mandates that reactions takes virtually no time to complete and that physical time (external to the system) only flow in between reactions (i.e. when no computation actually takes place). So, on a model point of view, execution of one instant takes no time at all. This enforces strong mathematical properties of the pure reactive/synchronous approach...

One of the main implication of that model is that at each instant, the environment of execution of the whole system is fully determined (seems like that taking a snapshot, everything is unique and in a stable state i.e. a quasi static state like quasi-static process in thermodynamics). Inputs, outputs and the state of the system itself are fully determined. One cannot talk about any beginning or duration or end of instant as all go in no time. Wired ?!

Well let's try to understand why this point can be so interesting even if it is clearly counterintuitive.

In such a model : a reaction of a program can be reduced to just a way to connect entries (informations that come from the external environment of the system) to outputs (informations that are sent back to the environment of the system) and transformation of the own program internal state. Well... Then look, that sounds like automaton! To give an intuition of how the reactive/synchronous model can relate to automaton, we consider this : we will use FSM as automata to compare to, and more precisely a Mealy Machine[MeaM55]. A MM is the given of :

A reaction of a MM is just the acquisition (sampling) of the inputs, compute the transition function to get the next state of the system and compute the output function to know what is produced in response to the entries. Simple ?

Well now on the synchronous approach the idea is to add a first property which is that the input set and the output set are in fact part of the same set (an union of those two sets) called the environment set (one can also this that the internal state of the program could also be a part of this set). Hence, inputs and outputs are simultaneous. So this restrict acceptable output functions to the ones that doesn't override entries. We also introduce a second property which is that transition function and output function must be deterministic. Those restrictions on transition function and output function leads to constraints on reactive program semantics : about causality dependences, and deterministic behavior.

Therefore, Synchronous/reactive model defines a strong time type system which enforce correctness of a program in a perfectly determined execution environment modulo the entries of the system. Programs define at each instant which outputs are produced and how the system's internal state evolves.

Another important consequence of this is that, logical notion of discrete time allows us to define parallel and sequential computations. First, considering the set of every computations taking place at one instant of the clock implies that each of those computations are executing in parallel with the other ones (all computations complete at the same time). Therefore, computations that take places at different instants are considered as executing in sequence (and so we can state that one is before or after another one).

The reactive programming model «à la» F. Boussinot's relax the strong synchronous constraint, allowing instants of execution to last. But an instant shall always terminate (after a finite amount of time) ! So sequence of instants can always proceed as an instant shall terminate before the subsequent instant of execution should begin. The main implication of this here is that no instantaneous reaction to the absence of information (of SugarCubesJS events) can take place before the end of the instant (that was possible in pure reactive/synchronous paradigm). Doing so, reaction to the absence of information at one instant is always postponed to the next instant. The interesting point of such an approach is that it allows us to build language constructions dealing with the logical discrete time to have semantics correct by construction (syntactically correct program always have one and only one deterministic meaning). So no more complex and static time type system is needed. Every program will have a unique semantics and provides a deterministic execution. But this comes at the cost of slightly different expressiveness capabilities.

The most observable consequence of this model is that we can define modular and dynamically transformable systems, which we thought are simpler to use in the context of Web programming.

The reactive/synchronous approach «à la» Boussinot defines an environment made of events (warning : Esterel defines signals which are more or les the same king of objects that events in Boussinot's approach; while an event in Esterel defines what is called a sample of the environment in Boussinot's approach).

One word about terminology

This section is intend to clarify some definitions before learning mor about the SugarCubesJS API :

One word about reactive objects of the SugarCubes API

In SugarCubesJS, there exist indeed two main category of objects provided by the API which are parts of the environment : Events and Sensors. This section is mostly dedicated to those two primary category of objects. There are also instruction objects, which are used to build reactive programs (see next section). Finally, there exist a special hidden (not handled directly through the SugarCubesJS API) object which captures the notion of reactive execution context, often called reactive machines.

First, the Events: A reactive event is a global object bound to a unique reactive execution environment. At each instant of a reactive environment, an event is said to be present or absent. As instant's execution should ideally take no time, presence of an event cannot change (from present to absent or the reverse) during the very same instant. As a consequence of this, an event is always seen with the same state during one instant by all reactive programs executed in parallel in the same reactive execution environment. In the reactive paradigm «à la» Boussinot, presence of an event at each instant is unknown until it has been generated at this very same instant. Conversely, it is known to be absent when the instant is over and the event has not been generated. Obviously then, any reaction of a program to the state of an event is executed instantly if the event is present or postponed at the next instant if the event was absent. A generation of an event ca be done, for example, by a generate instruction. And this generation is often called an occurrence of the event at this instant. This occurrence set the state of the generated event to present for the very instant where the generation occurs. Events can be generated but there is no mean to set an event absent. So it is only possible while executing an instant to change the state of an event from unknown to present. Absence is only set when the instant is over and state of the event is still unknown. Therefore, reaction to the absence of an event can only take place at the next instant. Generations of an event can associate a value at each occurrence during the same instant. Those values makes a list associated to the presence of the of the event. So if an event is present, a reactive program can access to this list of associated values. Doing so SugarCubes events can be seen as a communication channel like in event buses. Programs emit values through an event and don't need to know who is listening the channel (no means to handle references to other programs and so on). Similarly, programs listening to an event don't need to know who is emitting values. This leading to a loosely coupled communication mechanism between program components. Indeed, in SugarCubesJS events are unique identifiers which reference an event object. Even if the identifier uniquely references an event; however, it can be used in several different reactive execution contexts and in each of these contexts it will reference a separate event (since each event is linked to a single reactive execution context). At each instant:

After this end of instant no events in unknown state can remain.

Reactive events are declared using the SC.evt() call.

Second, the Sensors: Reactive sensors are special type of SugarCubesJS objects which are global to the whole Javascript environment. They can be manipulated as event by reactive programs. As for a SugarCubesJS event, a sensor is built by the SugarCubes API has a unique identifier which points to a value (and not an event as for SugarCubesJS event identifier). But on the program point of vue, sensors are seen as event. A sensor has a newValue() method which allows one to replace the current value pointed by the sensor by a new one. The main idea here is to consider that newValue() call is atomic and so each call follows or precedes others so we can state a sequence of newValue() call as a flow of values. In reactive execution environments, sensor appear to be like events but with two main restrictions :

Reactive machines: Reactive machines are no more objects directly proposed by SugarCubesJS API. But, in this new model, a sensor can have its own reactive execution context associated with. Therefore, every call to newValue() on such sensor will make the associated reactive machine to react. All sensors doesn't necessarily have their own reactive machine (only some them have, and so, sensors built using the SC.machine() call, have), but if a sensor has one, every new value placed on this sensor produce reactions of the associated reactive machine. So, one can consider that the succession of values of the sensor along the time, defines the clock of the associated reactive machine.

In SugarCubesJS, programs are executed in reactive machine which can be seen as an interpretor of reactive instructions. But in SugarCubesJS model, machines are no more first class objects of the API. This means that when one call SC.machine(), indeed it doesn't build the reactive machine itself but a reactive sensor with an associated reactive machine.

One word about reactive programs:

The main goal of the SugarCubesJS API is to provide support to build reactive programs to implements reactive systems following the reactive paradigm «à la» Boussinot. To do so, SugarCubes framework provides a specific API to build reactive programs and then provides means to execute those programs according to the Boussinot's reactive programming. To write a reactive program, a developer will nest calls of methods of the object SC to instantiate instructions. Doing so one builds a tree structure, which is the AST of the reactive program. For example :

var aProgram = SC.repeat(SC.forever
                 , SC.await(e)
                 , SC.write("message in the console")

In this example, one writes a repeat instruction (which is the root of the AST of the program). The repeat instruction takes a first parameter which is a number iterations (that is the number of times it will executes its body). In this example, one uses the predefined constant SC.forever which means an infinite number of iterations. The rest of the parameters are the instructions of the body of the repeat instruction put into a sequence. In this example, the body of the repeat instruction is made of two instructions in sequence. First the SC.await() is an instruction which awaits the presence of the event &e. And the second instruction SC.log() which writes a string in the SugarCubesJS standard output.

The await instruction awaits the event &e and at the precise instant where that event is present, the await instruction immediately terminates. Letting the log instruction be executed at very same instant of execution. As this body is in an infinite loop, this programs means that at every instant where the event &e is present a message is written into the SugarCubesJS standard output.

There is many SugarCubesJS instructions that can be used to build complex reactive programs. Program's AST can be reused in more complex structures allowing one to build complex programs incrementally.

Instructions Basics:

In SugarCubesJS, programs are executed in a reactive machine which can be seen as an interpretor of reactive instructions. Reactive programs manipulate reactive events. They are built as tree structure using nested calls of methods instantiating various reactive instruction :

The Seq instruction links causally instructions that it takes in parameters in the same order as the parameter list. For example Seq(a,b,c) links a, b, and c in that way that b is only executed if a has terminated, and c is executed only if both b and a have been completed. SC.seq instruction is often called sequence, but it is probably not exactly what you would expect : if a and b are instantaneous actions you are not guarantied that a will be executed «before» b during the instant. All actions during the same instant should be considered as parallel even if causally dependant. That means that you should not rely on immediate state transition if an instruction a does a side effect on a variable v, you should not rely on it during the same instant in an instruction b.