

LoRa Basic Modem

LoRa Basic Modem proposes an full implementation of the TS001-LoRaWAN L2 1.0.4 and Regional Parameters RP2-1.0.3 specifications.

LoRa Basic Modem embeds also an implementation of all LoRaWAN packages dedicated to Firmware Update Over The Air (FUOTA):

LoRa Basic Modem embeds also an implementation the Relay LoRaWAN® Specification TS011-1.0.1

LoRa Basic Modem offers extended services:


The ARM GCC tool chain must be setup under your development environment. LBM library code has been developed using GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10-2020-q4-major 10.2.1 20201103 (release)

LoRa Basics Modem library

LBM library code can be found in folder lbm_lib.
Please refer to README.md to get all information related to LoRa Basics Modem library


Under lbm_examples folder, one will find a few examples on how to use the LoRa Basics Modem stack.

The examples are targeted for the Nucleo L476 kit featuring an STM32L476 micro-controller. For further details please refer to lbm_examples directory README file.

To build the periodical uplink example targeting the LR1110 Semtech radio the following should be executed on the command line:

make -C lbm_examples full_lr1110 MODEM_APP=PERIODICAL_UPLINK


Under lbm_applications folder, one will find 3 specific applications that are using LoRa Basics Modem stack.

An integration in Zephyr OS is available in another repository, instructions to download this integration and LoRa Basics Modem are available at LBM_Zephyr.