


Jsdir is an Burp Suite extension that extract hidden url paths from js files, beautify it and save for futher/better reading.

The extracted paths are printed on Burp Suite.

The beatified file is saved under db/beautified-files folder.

You can use with Burp Free version


If it's a windows OS need to configure both ruby and python global variables

Linux Instalation:

Assuming that you already have python & pip installed

  1. To install jsbeautifier:

2.Ready to go ! a

Windows Instalation

Assuming that you already installed python

  1. Install jsbeautifier by copying and pasting this in your terminal:
    cd C:\Python27\Scripts\
    pip install jsbeautifier
  2. Copy all files and folders of this repo and paste inside C:\Python27\Scripts folder

If it's a windows OS need to configure both ruby and python global variables


Import this extension in Extender Tab of Burp Suite.

Then when you see an Js file in any response of any server inside Burp Suite,

Just click on it with the right button and choose "Send to Js scrapper" option.

Go to extender tab and see the results. Example output:

My image


Please feel free to help me improve this tool. Thank you Jobert.
