

LoopStructural: Loop3D Implicit Geological Modelling

3D model of Hamersley created using loopstructural PyPI version GitHub license Documentation loop3d.github.io/LoopStructural/


LoopStructural is an opensource Python library for 3D geological modelling. The library has been built in the scope of the Loop project (Loop3d.org). LoopStructural can:


Google colab

LoopStructural can be used inside a google colab notebook, however interactive visualisation using kitware trame does not work. Only static plots can be displayed.


pip install loopstructural

Optional dependencies are:

You can install all of the optional dependencies using: pip install loopstructural[all]


conda install -c conda-forge -c loop3d loopstructural

to install the working 3D visualisation environment conda install -c conda-forge -c loop3d loopstructural loopstructuralvisualisation pyvista trame trame-vtk trame-vuetify


from LoopStructural import GeologicalModel
from LoopStructural.datatypes import BoundingBox
from LoopStructural.visualisation import Loop3DView
from LoopStructural.datasets import load_claudius

import numpy as np
data, bb = load_claudius()

#bb constaints origin and maximum of axis aligned bounding box
#data is a pandas dataframe with X,Y,Z,val,nx,ny,nz, feature_name

model = GeologicalModel(bb[0,:],bb[1,:])
model.data = data
# nelements specifies the number of discrete interpolation elements
# 'stratí' is the feature name in the data dataframe
# get the value of the interpolator at some random locations
locations = np.array(
        np.random.uniform(bb[0, 0], bb[1, 0],5),
        np.random.uniform(bb[0, 1], bb[1, 1],5),
        np.random.uniform(bb[0, 2], bb[1, 2],5),
val = model.evaluate_feature_value('strati', locations)
# get the gradient of the interpolator
gradient = model.evaluate_feature_gradient('strati',locations)

#Plot the scalar field of the model


The LoopStructural documentation can be found here


Any bugs/feature requests/comments please create a new issue.


The Loop platform is an open source 3D probabilistic geological and geophysical modelling platform, initiated by Geoscience Australia and the OneGeology consortium. The project is funded by Australian territory, State and Federal Geological Surveys, the Australian Research Council and the MinEx Collaborative Research Centre.