


uniffi-dl is a plugin designed for the IntelliJ IDE (and more precisely one of its other flavours, namely Android Studio) with the goal to provide syntax highlighting, code folding, code completion, reference resolution and navigation, among other features such as offering view of the code structure or handy quick fixes, for the UniFFI Definition Language (UDL), a variant of WebIDL specifically tailored for the UniFFI tool to "generate foreign-language bindings targeting Rust libraries".


Is this plugin the official plugin for UniFFI?

This is not the official plugin for the UniFFI tool (which doesn't exist as of 2022-11-27), but as far as I'm aware, it's the first and only plugin to exist providing language support for .udl files.

If you're one of UniFFI's developers and would like to lift this plugin's status to be recognized as the official one, please contact me.

Why not a plugin for other code editors?

Chances are you'll be using UniFFI to embed Rust code in your Android applications (at least I am), in which case you're most likely going to be using Android Studio, as it provides one of the better experiences (if not the best) for developing Android applications.

If you port this plugin somewhere else and would like me to mention your plugin here, please contact me.

My code styles settings are not being respected!

I personally have strong opinions in regard to the formatting rules, so I haven't really tried to make it customizable. However, you're welcome to send a pull request which makes the formatting code obey the settings (as long as there's a way for me to keep my old formatting style).

Not all formatting rules are currently implemented either, only some of the basic ones, so you're also welcome implement these and send a pull request.

This code is a mess! Why isn't it written in Kotlin?

Well, I tried, but I'm not all that good at porting Java concepts to Kotlin concepts, and the Custom Language Support Tutorial is written in Java, so it was much less painful to follow along with Java. At the time of writing, the tutorial also doesn't do that good of a job at explaining the way certain things work, but rather just puts an order to when you're expected to implement certain features for the plugin, so for the most part, this plugin is a snippet-by-snippet port from the Simple Language to UDL.

My goal with this was just to provide syntax highlighting for UDL and maybe even code completion, but I ended up completing the entire tutorial to write a plugin, so it turned out to have more features than I was hoping for.

Please feel welcome to implement code improvements (such as de-duplication) and send a pull request, or perhaps even a rewrite to Kotlin now that the core functionality works!


The first thing to do is to download and install git, IntelliJ IDEA, and the required plugins for the IDE: Plugin DevKit, Gradle (both of which should be on by default), and additionally Grammar-Kit and PsiViewer which can be downloaded from within the IDE.


Before building, the grammar must be used to generate the required types and parsing code.

Right-click src/main/kotlin/dev/lonami/uniffidl/Udl.bnf and select "Generate Parser Code".

Right-click src/main/kotlin/dev/lonami/uniffidl/Udl.flex and select "Run JFlex Generator". During the first run you will have to select the root of the project itself to download both idea-flex.skeleton and jflex*.jar.

(If you remove rules from the grammar you may need to delete the generated folder gen before generating the code, otherwise, older, non-working rules may fail to compile.)

Then it should be possible to run gradlew buildPlugin or gradlew runIde, or by clicking on the "Play" button of the IDE to run the selected Gradle configuration.

Project Structure

Nearly every file, class or interface uses Udl as the prefix.

Base Definitions


