

LoginRadius Ionic-2 SDK

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LoginRadius is an Identity Management Platform that simplifies user registration while securing data. LoginRadius Platform simplifies and secures your user registration process, increases conversion with Social Login that combines 30 major social platforms, and offers a full solution with Traditional Customer Registration. You can gather a wealth of user profile data from Social Login or Traditional Customer Registration.

LoginRadius centralizes it all in one place, making it easy to manage and access. Easily integrate LoginRadius with all of your third-party applications, like MailChimp, Google Analytics, Livefyre and many more, making it easy to utilize the data you are capturing.

LoginRadius helps businesses boost user engagement on their web/mobile platform, manage online identities, utilize social media for marketing, capture accurate consumer data, and get unique social insight into their customer base.

Please visit here for more information.

######Before using demo project,you must install Ionic environment in your system Please visit here for complete Ionic installation.

There are two projects in the library:

a. LoginApp-Demo - This is the demo application.
b. IonicSDK -This is the LoginRadius SDK


1.Open DemoApp and go src folder and put some required value in index.html

   var apiKey ="<your loginradius api key>";
   var appName ="<LoginRadius site name>";

2.Finally, setup elements to trigger the functions in home.html file under src >pages >home that will direct your users to the relevant interface.

 <ion-content padding>
 <div class="button-center">
 <button ion-button style="width: 60%;text-transform: none;" (click)='getLoginPage()'>Login</button>
<div class="button-center">
 <button ion-button style="width: 60%;text-transform: none;"(click)='getRegisterPage()'>Register</button>

  <div class="button-center">

<button ion-button style="width: 60%;text-transform: none;" (click)='getForgotpasswordPage()'>Forgot Password</button>
